Point Artal Area

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Hattori MonasteryLeader: Nakasaki Hattori

Population: 100 Monks

Religions: Klaw-Keel

Imports: Nothing

Exports: Monks

Alignments: LE

Hattori Monastery was found in <insert year> by Ryo Hattori after he left the lands of Rokugan with Balador McTavish, a dwarf who secretly traded with the Scorpion Clan. The Hattori Monastery was a land grant given to Ryo from the city-state of Point Artal. In return, the monastery was to train some of the local people who would help defend their lands. Ryo trained many monks in the style of "Any Goes" Style, including his own children. Tragedy struck when the monastery was attacked by an enemy of their clan, The Oni. Ryo had been away and many of his children died that day including his wife. Nakasaki survived and vowed vengeance against the Oni. After many years of hunting, Nakasaki avenged his families death but this resulted in the death of his father.

At the end of his quest, Nakasaki retired at the Monastery and took over its training. Having connections with powerful magic users, Nakasaki had a special fountain constructed that cast a "Day in a Life" spell on any who drank it for one day, turning them into a human. Using this fountain, Nakasaki broke the basic tenant of monks to not teach demi-humans and humanoids. Over the course of eighteen years Nakasaki trained many human, demihuman, and humanoids. Monks from other orders eventually learned of this and proceeded to Hattori Monastery to confront and possibly punish Nakasaki. Nakasaki had his servant Bert and children stall the monks while he snuck out to "adventure".

Eventually Nakasaki was forced to return home and face the monks.

House Onyx is one of the 21 houses of the Gnome Protectorate that guards the road to and from the City-States of Fangaerie near Point Artal. While the gnomes have had issues with Fangaerie in the past, current relations with this house are cool in regards to Point Artal. The house is lead by the aged Lord Avr'aven Onyx, a shrewd gnome titan who lacks a sense of humor. He is always serious and generally harsh, particularity to his son Braven Onyx who will one day replace him.

In recent times House Onyx repelled an undead invasion led by The Oni and a blood mage named Desanya. The army was defeated but after it had ravaged Grubal and made the west walls of House Onyx disappear. The walls were quickly rebuilt and the house continues to thrive.

House OnyxLeader: Lord Avr'aven Onyx

Population: Gnome Titan (48%), Rock Gnome (14%), Forest Gnomes (12%), Halfling (9%), Dwarf (5%), Other (12%)

Religions: Pangrus, Baevaran Wildwanderer, Baravar, Flandal Steelskin, Gaerdal Ironhand, Garl Glittergold

Natural Resources: Fish, Timber, Gold, Hides

Alignments: LN

Springborn Woods - Leprechaun Republic of AuberonRacial and Ethnic Groups: Leprechaun (30%), Forest Gnomes(25%), Brownie (20%), Brownie Barbarians (10%), Sprites (4%), Quicklings (4%), Sprites (4%), Pixie-Faries (2%), Pixie-Fairy Hybrids (1%)

Nationality: Springbornians

Religions: Baervan Wildwanderer, The Seelie Court: Ariel, Auberon, Caliban, Engue, Kielkrop, Lygte, Mab, Melusine, Merrryzot, Morgana, Puck, Titania.

Languages: Common, Leprechaun, Brownie, Forest Gnome

Social Alignments: Neutral

Natural Resources: Gold, Magic, Medicinal Plants, Leprechaun Wine

Government Type: Monarchy with council of races

Current Leader: Queen Kaelyn McSwift

Capital: Goldshire

Legal System: Remote Village

Political Factions: Wee-Folk Strike Force

Political Pressures: Recent immigration of pixie-faries from outside Springborn has put some leprechauns at odds with their leaders choice.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: None

Enemies: Pixie-Fairies of Oakdust (now extinct)

Springborn woods has been a refuge for many fae folk races for as long as any can remember. The races of this small forest teamed together to defend their little part of the world. No one passes through the forest without being watched by them. Those who attempt to harm the woods are dealt with severely. This shaky alliance eventually shattered during the militarizing of the pixie-fairies of Oakdust. This lead to the Battle of the Oak: to learn more on the history of the events click here.

After the Battle of the Oak, the Leprechauns formed a republic with the races of the woods under King Bartley's leadership. The first year was rough and many races began to have issues with Bartley's decisions. Luckily the return of Kaelyn McSwift, who was thought dead after the Battle of the Oak, calmed Bartley's choices with her wisdom. As time went on, it became obvious that the immortality of the leprechauns was gone. Bartley's years began to catch up with him, being the longest lived leprechaun in their lands, and he eventually passed away.

Bartley had no direct decedents so in his will he gave his throne to Kaelyn, who he raised as his own daughter. Kaelyn became the wisest and strongest ruler of the forest, creating a time of peace between the races. Recently a group of pixie fairies fled to the woods after their home was raided by grel. Kaelyn allowed them refuge in the newly restored Oakdust tree, thanks to the help of the lizard man druid Mun-Sun. This decision has caused some unhappiness among many leprechauns, who have a long hatred for pixie fairies since the war. Kaelyn assures that there will be no repeat of the Battle of the Oak, as these pixie fairies are of a different tribe and they understand what would happen should they follow the same path as the previous tribe. This has not calmed many dissenters.