
The traits below are allowed in my campaign for Pathfinder. The are considered Regional Traits and/or Campaign unless otherwise noted.

Shadow Forest Defender

You spent enough time in the Shadow Forest to learn its dangers. You discovered how to fight against the horrible creatures that corrupt its beautiful woods.

Requirement: Must have spent some time living in the Shadow Forest.

Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on damage against aberrations, and plants and animals corrupted by evil or undeath.

Fordside Arcane Resident

You came to Fordside to picked up a few things about magical knowledge from the once thriving guild that lived there. You also made friends with the local arcane casters who took time to teach you a few things, maybe even making you an apprentice.

Requirement: Stayed in Fordside for some time

Benefit: Pick one skill from the following: spellcraft, knowledge arcane, knowledge religion, or knowledge planes. You gain a +1 trait bonus to that skill and it now a class skill for you. One of the local arcane casters can help you obtain components and spells, should you ever need their assistance. If you cast arcane spells, pick three spells on your spell list. You are particularly adept at casting these spells, so they function at +1 caster level when you cast them, and their save DCs (if any) gain a +1 bonus.

Fordside Raised and Born

You have lived in Fordside so long you view it as your home. Everyone knows you and you know them like the wonderful small town it is.

Requirement: Live most of your life in Fordside

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to one of your choice and gain it as a class skill: knowledge arcana, one craft skill, or swimming.

When in Fordside, you receive a +10% bonus to any purchases or items you sell there. Due to the friends you’ve made, the town is treated two sizes larger for you determining what magic items you can find. This deal is only for you, and using it for others will cause shopkeepers to resent you helping outsiders and no longer offer you access to their secret residential stock. Everyone in town knows your name and have a friendly disposition for you, willing to help you out if they can.

Desert Hardened

You survived the harsh deserts of Egoth. Many times you had to do tough things to survive. You may regret your actions, but you know the desert only forgives the weak with death.

Requirement: Lived in a desert on Egoth for some time.

Benefits: You can survive an additional day without water. You gain a +1 trait bonus to all stealth rolls and a +1 trait bonus to attack rolls when attacking unaware or flat-footed opponents.

Hegemony Dedicated

You are a true citizen of the Klaw Hegemony, something you had to earn. You were raised to be dedicated to its ideals of the state and unfettering faith in the righteousness of its cause. You were also smart enough to work within in the system and avoid attracting the ire of its secret police and mental probes.

Requirement: Raised in Klaw Hegemony

Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus to will saves. In addition, you can a +1 trait bonus to bluff and sense motive and may select one of those skills to be a class skill. As a citizen of the Hegemony, you gain all benefits citizenship gives in their lands.

Born to Magic

Your race is old and was changed by the coming of magic. The power of the first arcane magic users courses through your blood. The world has never been the same since.

Requirement: Nydiran (irda) or High Orc. Race Trait.

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to use magic device and it is now a class skill. If you cast arcane spells, pick three spells on your spell list. You are particularly adept at casting these spells, so they function at +1 caster level when you cast them, and their save DCs (if any) gain a +1 bonus.

Bull Spirited

You lived much of your life among the Minotaur species. You learned to be strong and face any challenge, no matter how impossible.

Requirement: Live in the Horned Imperium or Chino

Benefits: You receive a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks and Intimidate is now a class skill. You can use your Strength modifier for Intimidate instead of Charisma. You also receive a +1 bonus to fortitude saves.

Known of Gih

You spent a time living in Gih and studying with the monks and priests there. Some of their rituals tested your willpower and others your reflexes. You have come to *know* yourself as the reclusive natives do.

Requirement: Lived in Gih or Githzerai

Benefits: You receive a +2 bonus on Authohypnosis checks and it is now a class skill. You also receive a +1 bonus to reflex saves.