Misty Fireheart

Background: The origins of Misty are a mystery. She first appeared on a farm Metallica and Dekkar Fireheart were passing and was described as a young woman of fantastic beauty (a score of 18 comeliness). By this time, both Metallica and Dekkar were famous adventurers and it seems as though Dekkar proposed marriage, before even asking her name.Metallica was outraged that Dekkar would spoil their aristocratic good name, by marrying a dirt poor girl found on the side of the road. Dekkar cared not and must have used a paladin ability to marry himself to the girl and consummated the marriage within moments. Misty traveled with Metallica and Dekkar and lived in Roughneck Keep, a converted cave on an uninhabited island. There she raised Dekkar’s sons James, Stung and Dekkar Jr.

It was rumored that Misty was actually form a royal bloodline, but never explained as to where her royal family was from. There are no empires or kingdom in Egoth that have a Human Monarchy and why would she have been found on the side of the road on a farm if she was a princess? These questions will probably forever remain a mystery.

Later on in life, Dekkar obtained super powers and Misty has her husband take the finer things in life. Dekkar is ultimately defeated and Misty is hung in the Twilight City for treason while Metallica Fireheart plays a jig as Misty’s body dances at the end of the rope.