
The Church of the Avenging Lord

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Spheres of Influence: Lightning, Sky/Heavens, Defense, Avenging, Humans, Flight

Tenets of the Faith: It is believed that Tarakas was the first gawd and the father of creation. It was Tarakas who had Baca and Solus create all of Ruganium in his vision. He let the other gawds add to his vision and honored their requests. Tarakas created humans as one of the last races, his true vision realized. After El-Tir tainted all of creation, much of races turned from their gawds. Tarakas taught all the races the tenants of honor to avenge themselves against El-Tir's taint. To this day his followers follow their creators vision, avenging the wrongs that El-Tir released upon the world.

Sky Avengers believe that defending others is a worthy honor and they often teach villages how to protect themselves from the monsters of the world. Sky Avengers have been known to offer pledges of defense to villages and cities and should they fail, they will avenge the dead. Unlike followers of Zela-Rakishi who focus on revenge for any slight, Tarakas teaches his people that avenging is about righting those truly wronged by injustice. This motto has made some lords uneasy and has lead to the persecution of individual tarrakians. Despite this, Sky Avengers as a group are respected for their martial prowess. It is known a Sky Avenger would sacrifice their own life to defeat a foe, something they consider the greatest honor.

Sky Avengers believe giant eagles are holy creatures from Tarakas, and it is not uncommon for those chosen by Tarakasto ride them as mounts. These special giant eagles can fly through a storm unabated and lighting never strikes or harms them. All Sky Avenges train to ride these creatures, even if they never have one to call their own.

While all may worship the Storm Father and will be received, only those of human blood may join his priesthood.

About The Church of Avenging Lord

Priesthood: Sky Avengers

Symbol: A yellow sword with wings facing down on a red background

Colors: Yellow and Red

Place of Worship: In times past temples of Tarakas were some of the tallest buildings in a city, reaching towards the sky. They are often open aired and have lighting rods placed all over. More primiative temples are often built high in mountains to be closer to their gawd.

Holy Days: The first day of spring is a holy day dedicated to Tarakas. Days of thunder storms are often considered holy days, with worshipers praising Tarakas.

Sacrifice: A single gold piece covered in a drop of blood thrown from a high location during thunder storms.

Raiment: A robe of red with gold trim, often worn for ceremonies. The more gold trim determines rank in church.

Revered Names for Deity: Zarrakus, Storm Father, Honorbringer, Lord of the Skies, Man Maker, Avenging Lord

Deity's Appearance: Tarakas appears as a light skin 13-foot human with bright blond hair and a handlebar mustache that hangs thickly two-feet from his chin. He wields a large golden longsword is is usually dressed in red dragon armor.

Advancement within the Order: Advancement in The Church of the Avenging Lord is based on merit rather than politics. One must simple prove they follow the tenants of their gawd through action. This causes many Sky Avengers to go out seeking ways to prove themselves, such as setting up temples in villages that are often in danger. The few Sky Avengers with a political bent will live in large cities where politics can be as dangerous as any monster.

Confederate Faiths: Baca, Solus, Zela-Rakishi

Adversarial Faiths: El-Tir

Sayings: Come my giant eagle, we shall avenge them from above! - Only the foolish dare challenge a Tarakan! - My sacrifice will not be in vain! - If I can't protect them, you can be damned well sure I'll avenge them!

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Divine icon: A sword with wings facing downward either molded that way or part of a circle medallion with a red background.

Preferred Weapon: Longsword

Other Weapons Permitted: Any sword, spear or bow (excluding crossbow)

Armor Permitted: Any

Bonus STPs: Hunting, Riding (Giant Eagle), Weather Sense, longsword proficiency, heavy armor and shield proficiencies

Powers: Immune to lightning; weapon specification with longsword costs 5 bp per category; Turn Undead.

Restrictions: Must be human or of human ancestry. Must avenge those who have suffered real injustice. Because they are viewed as tough and strong, no one can be a Sky Avenger without a minimum of at 12 Strength and Constitution and have must have at least a 12 Wisdom to be wise enough to see injustice.

Church of the Avenging Lord Spell LIst

* Spells marked are lightning versions of the fire spell of a similar name. Use reason for certain effects (such as cold dousing fire rather than starting fires).

(M) Spells marked are listed under the mage spells section.