
BackgroundIn the year -2771 TR, Tiamat returned to Ganna. Millenniums prior she created the dragon race upon the planets at the bidding of the Gawds. Tiamat traveled from the 9 hells through the gates of Tovag Baragu and laid a hatch of 3 eggs in the ruins of an ancient city in is what is now the Swamp of Foreboding Doom. The eggs were in far too much danger in the 9 Hells and would be safely guarded here by her minions, a crew of devil spawn (same as Demon Spawn HOB V p92).

Tiamat left the eggs in the devil spawn care and never returned to Ganna. The devilspawn guarded the eggs and in the meanwhile began to mate with a clan of native orcs. The orcs began to mutate, and their offspring were born red and multiplied in large numbers.

When the eggs were hatched, the dominate of the three named herself Drakeela Karfang. She was the only female and the two brothers Deathwielder and Klaw Keel followed her lead. In time, Drakeela formed a large army of red orcs soon grew and emerged from the swamps. Many of the surrounding dragons joined with the three and waged war upon the civilized races. The gnomes, dwarves and elves of the land of Middle Conford were all but annihilated, either fleeing from the land to the east. The Halfling population were saves as slaves. The dragons of the area referred to her as Queen Drekella, and those who were not dragons were not allowed to speak her named and referred to her as “The Dragon Queen”.

As time passed, Klaw Keel began grew tiresome of the Dragon Queen. The Dragon Queen was a tyrannical monster, performing cruel, crude, impulsive acts in the eyes of Klaw Keel with Deathwielder as her unwitting fool. Klaw Keel attempted to show her a new way, one with forethought and better minions than orcs. In some way, he thought if he could prove a better leader she would follow his lead. He created an army of sahuagin type men he created from the sahuagin and killer koi fish with a mix of his nefarian blood via "Life Creation" spell (SSG p106). He named the race the Koi-huagin. Using his creation, he conquered a nearby city to show the power of his creation. Once conquered, he rebuilt the city grander than before and converted the inhabitants to his way of thinking (many began to worship him). He showed the city to his sister, showing her that to truly conquer a people is to conquer their lands and their hearts. He pointed out his new creation would serve loyally and without the destruction the red orcs would bring. The Dragon Queen grew angry, her heart burning with rage, thinking her brother sought to usurp her leadership and that his army was meant for her lands. She ordered Deathwielder help her restrain Klaw-Keel. A mighty battle insued but Klaw-Keel was overwhelmed by the combined might of his siblings. The Dragon Queen was about to kill him when Klaw-Keel but he mention their mother Tiamat and she stopped. Instead she had Klaw Keel polymorphed into a koi fish instead and tossed into a river. The Dragon Queen then destroyed the city Klaw-Keel had built and his Koi-Huagin were scattered throughout the land.

Trapped as koi fish, Klaw-Keel struggled to survive. Limited in this form and unable to use his magic, he focused on the abilities of his mind that he had imbued into his koi-huagin with his blood. Mastering the power of psionics, Klaw-Keel found a portal atop a mountain would take him away from the land of his siblings. Klaw-Keel swam up rivers and waterfalls until he arrived at the portal that took him to a new land in -1,655 T.R.

The new land was quite different than the one he had left, as it was the land of samurai and ninja. Here Klaw-Keel learned many lessons about himself, as if learning they were their all along. Klaw-Keel spent time in the ponds monks, wu-jen and even the emperor himself, learning a code of ruling and honor that would change his existence. Finally their came a time when Klaw-Keel sought to shed the skin of a koi and return to being a dragon. Those of his faith say his mind and body were one and nothing could contain his true form as he overcame his evil sisters magic.

Transformed, Klaw-Keel was changed from the experience. Even his body had changed to reflect the influences of the land he now traveled. He disguised himself as a man and learned from the masters of the body who he would teach the power of the mind. So impressed by Klaw-Keel that many of these fighting men, known as monks, began to revere him as a gawd. He created his own monk order where the greatest of monks trained under his eye.

Klaw-Keel remade his koi-huagin and placed them throughout the land as his eyes and ears. He traveled all the corners of the world and his power and ambition grew. He knew he would capture hearts, not just land, and obtain gawdhood. Each step he advanced in power, he gained allies. The power of his psionics made him a draw for those seeking this new form of "magic". Even mages sought him, as he could show them how to enhance magic with psionics. He even gained allies among the gawds.

One such ally, Lloth (Zyandal) betrayed him in -294 T.R. Deathwielder had began to use a portal system left over from the first race to infiltrate Rune. Unwilling to share this land with his siblings and still angry over their betrayal, Deathwielder sought an alliance with Lloth. Together they went to close and destroy the portal. Klaw-Keel fought as Deathwielder tried to pass through, only to be betrayed by Lloth. Her betrayal distracted him enough for Deathwielder to rip Klaw-Keel's heart out from his body. As the heart fell to the earth, Klaw-Keel used magic and psionics to destroy the portal permanently, banishing Deathwielder from this world.

As Klaw-Keel laid on the ground dying, Lloth tossed his body into a pool of radiance to destroy him. What Lloth didn't know was Klaw-Keel had gained his gawdhood sometime ago and would not simply die. While his mind laid unconscious in the pool, his worshipers took his heart to a sanctuary for the day of his return. His plan rested on that of the Oni, who he had placed part of his power to help insure his return.

Three centuries past but eventually the Oni restored Klaw-Keel, though only partially alive, as he was trapped in the pool of radiance. While only partially alive, Klaw-Keel acts as a demigawd and his worshipers abilities have returned. He acted through his minions, though he did have the limited ability to possess others for a short duration.

A century later (115 TR) Klaw-Keel's resurrection was complete and dragon gawd was reborn and more powerful from his time in the pool of radiance.

Family / Clan

Zealots of Klaw-Keel, Gawd of Psionics, Monks, Foresight, Perseverance, Ambition, and Advancement.

Title: Klaw Keepers

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Ability Requirements: Constitution 12, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 12, Charisma 12

Prime Requisite: Intelligence and Wisdom

Hit Die Type: d6

To-hit Progression: Cleric

Saving Throw Tables: Cleric

Building Point Bonus: 6

Spelljacking: No

Spell Spheres: Devotional 2, Animal 3, Charm 5, Divination 7, Elemental Water 7, Healing 4, Hurting 4, Law 4, Necromancy 5, Numbers 7, Sun 3, Thought 7, Warding 4. May memorize Bradley’s Besieging Bolt as a 6th level spell (the bolts fire are shaped like claws, this is merely cosmetic. The spell is called Klaw-Keel’s Claws) and Contingency as a 6th level priest spell.

Turn/Command Undead: No

Weapon of Choice: Hook Sword

Weapons Permitted: Great axe, short bow, hand crossbow, light crossbow, dagger, dirk, escrima stick, knife, hand axe, throwing axe, horseman’s pick, javelin, katana, no-daichi, nunchaku, scimitar, spear, short sword, staff, wakizashi, whip, any crushing

Armor Permitted: Leather, Ring mail, Scale Mail, Chainmail, Heavy Chain, Banded Mail, No Shields allowed. Normal penalties to psionics for wearing certain armors apply.

Allowed Race: Humans, ½ Orc, Elf, ½ Elf, Drow, Grel, Darkman, Dwarves, Halfling, Gnomes, Pixie Nixie, Tiefling, Water Genisi, Koi-Huagin, Bugbear, Orc, Aquatic Humanoids

STP’s: Gains swimming and survival skill at no initial cost. They pay half BP cost, have double mastery roll, and have double the chance of learning any skills that has to do with water. May take aquatic background, lucky, andborn of water talent even if not allowed by race

Other Requirements: Klaw Keepers cannot have any aversions, enmities, phobias or any other type of flaw that deals adversely with fish or water.

Symbol: Koi fish with dragon features

Holy Symbol: A medallion in the shape of the symbol worn around the neck

Restrictions: Klaw Keepers will never kill or eat a koi fish, as they are seen as holy and signs of good luck. Koi fish will never attack a Klaw Keeper unless attacked by them first. Many Klaw Keepers raise and breed koi for competitions, for custom ponds, and as gifts to friends. Klaw Keepers who kill or eat a koi fish will lose their powers, including psionic ones, until they atone. Such atonement usually involves raising and breeding many replacement koi to the place the murdered koi lived. For others, this can mean dangerous missions that might require much sacrifice from the Keeper. Keepers take great offense to those who eat koi, and often secretly seek to destroy something the offender cherishes. This is most often causes financial pain, as they will target and break their prized horse, dog, home, barn, cart, yoke or their children and wife’s legs. Often the Keepers are hands off, typically hiring or charming others to perform the dirty work for them. Rarely are others murdered, except those who torture and kill koi for fun. Rumors persist of many young mean spirited boys disappearing the same night they were last seen throwing rocks into koi ponds

Background: Klaw-Keel teaches his worshipers that only through struggle can they find their true power. The legend of the koi fish is reflected in his teachings. The koi fish struggles against the current of a waterfall, destine to fail. Yet if one brave koi fish can reach the top of this mystical waterfall, he would be transformed into a dragon. Some say that one koi fish was Klaw-Keel himself, who uses them as his symbol.

Worshipers take this as their motto for life. They view the world as a challenge to overcome, that only those of worthy may achieve greatness. Sometimes this has been viewed as the “ends justify the means” concept, but it is more orderly than that. A typical worshiper will envision some goal in their life and a way to obtain it. The path to the goal can be long, as the knowledge learned from the journey is of equal value. They are expected to follow the rules that bind their life, but manipulating them to obtain their goal is encouraged.

The tenant of having the foresight and forethought for ones actions has always been at the core of Klaw-Keel’s religion. This belief has been stressed since his return from death. His worshippers are notorious for planning so many steps ahead and having so many contingency plans that few are able to avoid their mental spider webs of preparation.

One common trait is camaraderie among worshipers. It is forbidden to betray or take advantage of another follower of Klaw-Keel, as achieving a goal together is greater than alone. This belief may stem from Klaw-Keel suffering from the betrayal at the hands of his brother and sister. Only through strength of will, perseverance, and planning was Klaw-Keel able to achieve what he sought. The loyalty rule does not pertain to non-worshipers or those specifically targeted by Klaw-Keel as someone who he wishes to test, possibility to see their true potential.

Zealots’ Relationships to Standard Clerics: Zealots view clerics as not dedicated enough to follow Klaw-Keel’s tenants to their fullest, though they get along fine. Clerics tend to assist in the day to day dealings of his church, while Zealots deal with missions and plans important to Klaw-Keel. Clerics promote the positive side of Klaw-Keel, while the zealots deal with the darker elements that are best hidden from the general populace. Thus Zealots and Clerics serve two distinct and different orders, each with its own hierarchy. Zealots may conscript clerics to assist them in their missions, and the head of the cleric order is subject to orders from the head zealot.

Special Powers: All 1st level Klaw Keepers begin with one wild talent roll and one free mental defense. They also begin with double the PSP at first level as a psionicist and gain six PSP per level. They gain an additional wild talent every three levels afterward.

Klaw Keepers may psionically enhance a spell to overcome magic resistance or cast in a anti-magic zone. To overcome magic resistance, he states he is psionically casting a spell he has memorized. This causes the casting time to double. An additional cost is the expenditure of the Keeper’s PSP double that of the spell level. If they have less points than required, than the caster loses hit points equal to the extra amount needed. The damage does not interrupt the spell casting. Once cast, the target(s) have their magic resistance reduced by half of their unadjusted base or adjusted base, whichever is lower.

To cast in an anti-magic zone, the requirements are the same as overcoming magic resistance except the spell functions at half the casters level, at a minimum of 1. This and overcoming magic resistance can be used, but this triples the casting time in addition to the costs required for overcoming magic resistance and casting in an anti-magic zone.

This ability can be used once per day per level. It also incurs a noncumulative 10% chance of spell mishap. Either use of overcoming magic resistance or anti-magic casting each counts as a use. If used together, they count as two uses and increases chance of spell mishap to 20%.

Klaw Keepers are protected from psionics greater than others. Any ability used against them always allows a saving throw, even if one would not be allowed normally. They always receive a +2 bonus against psionics.

At 2nd level, Klaw Keepers can automatically sense a pool of magic (radiance) within a mile radius per even level. They do not know the exact location, only that it is nearby. If they concentrate, they can reduce the mileage they sense radius by one mile a round to a minimum of one mile. They are also immune to any ill effects caused by the pool (such as drinking it or bathing in it).

At 3rd level, Klaw Keepers can breath water as the spell at will but only for themselves.

At 5th level, Immune to normal and magical fear.

At 7th level, Klaw Keepers may help unlock psionic abilities in others, doubling the chance of success for gaining a wild talent. It takes one day of preparation and meditation with the person they wish to unlock this ability with. The chance of success can be increased by 1% per level of Keeper for each additional day spent together in eight hours of meditation.

Holy Days: Maroth 27th, the day Klaw-Keel returned from the dead as promised. This day is a day of celebration in which worshipers dress in kimonos and attend a type of "fair". There are booths of followers selling exotic foods, dress and games of chance. Many will watch elegant dance routines, and monk do impressive physical feats. The day ends with a feast of seafood, sushi, and lobster (butter is required).


All Followers: Followers of Klaw-Keel are a loyal bunch, always working for the greater good of the faith. Followers view their place in life as valuable if it helps the faith as a whole. There are rituals regarding challenges and conflicts that are done watched over in some official capacity by a priest of Klaw-Keel. Most challenges are of the non-violent time, though both may agree to a solve their disagreement in an arena. Fights are unarmed, though the priest may allow a weapon for a disadvantaged opponent (such as human fighting a bugbear). The priest may stop the a challenge at anytime and declare a winner if needed, as the priests prefer not to have their followers die over petty issues. Both sides accept the outcome and may not challenge the same person over the same matter for at least one year. Some of these rematches happen every year, leading to some to become big events that draw followers from all around who bet to see who will win this year.

Zealots: Zealots seek out pools of magic and perform special rituals dedicated to Klaw-Keel and usually sip from the pool if possible. Zealots who perform this ritual find their spell enhanced (treat as 1d4 levels higher for caster level) and their psionics enhanced (+1d100 PSP over maximum) for many days (1 day per level) and feel closer to Klaw-Keel. They can only perform this ritual once per month and cannot use the same pool twice in a six month period.