Baldrick Thornhill

A battle mage named Silvana Greyoak had heard of Bladrick and served as his sidekick for many adventures.

Sometime later, Baldrick saved a local noble named Dame Lorraine Silver. The two fell in love and were married. He moved to her estate and had three children David, Linda and Martin.

When Ivan's wife Agel died in child birth with their second child, Ivan was adventuring and Baldrick and Dame Silver brought the children to their estate to act as guardian until his return. Currently, Baldrick is semi retired and lived on the Silver Estate.

After their training was completed, they both set out and liberated Fangorn's Keep and then stopped a group of evil Slave Lords.

Later, Baldrick had heard of a local youth that stood up and defeated the grel gang named Ivan DreadIron and the pair became fast friends.

Background: Born in the City of Fangrie in 91 TR to Artie and Silvia Thornhill, Baldrick was an only child. He was mercilessly bullied by a gang of street thugs named "The Crimson Knuckle Soldiers" in his youth, lead by a grel elf named Grendel.

After suffering a beating my the gang of thugs, Baldrick crawled into a dark cave to hide from them and saw a light from Zeluar telling him to become a priest. The light had given him some priest powers and blinded Grendel, giving him a chance to escape.

Family / Clan