
Family / Clan

Long ago there was a crazy witch named Cursella. None know if she had a last name or a family or a clan, but she was remembered as being so vengeful that she would curse any who slighted her. While the goddess of revenge, Zela-Rakishi, look favorably on her at first, even even Cursella tested her patience when she curse her chosen one to loose her beautiful white hair given to her by her gawd. Rakishi decided to stoop to Cursella's own level and asked the gawds to assist her. Rakishi cursed Cursella so that all her curses would only benefit those she cursed. Cursella would believe her cursed work the way she had wanted too, despite evidence otherwise. She cursed a merchant who over charged her to have more money then he could handle, which surprisingly made him wealthy and he donated the extra to the city orphanage. Since that time Cursella has appeared in many places and on many worlds cursing to her hearts content. Her powers have gotten greater overtime yet she is still oblivious to her own curse. It is believed that part of her curse is to curse until the end of time and then one day realize the truth of what she actually has done. On that day, it is believed her bemoaning will be heard across the planes and even cause the darkest of gawds to pity her. Occasionally cults arise about her, worshiping her as bringer of the end times...her final curse upon the world before her death.

She often appears without notice when some says something she wishes to make their "curse". It is believed that she cursed the a group of kenders and dwarves who arguing annoyed her, creating the Kwarf race. There has yet to be a recorded case of curse actually being detrimental for the cursed.