Larry the Luter

Background: Larry grew up in the small village of Kornwood. His father was the local drunk and he constantly played songs on his lute and stole food from local farmers to feed his starving family. One day, Larry the Luter was caught stealing crops from one of the field and was forced to work off his debt at the farm by the local sheriff. He was sentenced to work off his debt and befriended a gnome named Gnomar who was looking over the work at the farm.

One day the two of them were working when Larry fell into a huge pile of manure. Gnomar laughed and Larry quickly tackled Gnomar into the huge steaming pile.

The day wore on and the two worked in a hayloft in the barn, spreading hay, when they heard the barn door open. Several people rushed into the barn and they noticed it was many of the towns people. The barn doors closed and 12 werewolves transformed before their eyes. They mauled the townsfolk, but did not smell the two in the loft because of the manure.Larry saw the gnome about to yell in terror but quickly covered his mouth, quieting the scream.

The werewolves left leaving the barn full of blood and gore. Gnomar and the rogue saw the leader of the pack. He was a nearby thug named Bill Varin. Gnomar and the rogue told the sheriff and soon, they sent a lynch mob after him. It was no use. Bill Varin was gone. The town posed a 10,000gp reward for him so Gnomar and the rogue set out to bring him to justice.