
The Church of Solus

Alignment: Neutral

Spheres of Influence: Sun, Light, Fire, Animals

Tenets of the Faith: The

About The Church of

Priesthood: Sun Setters

Symbol: A

Colors: W

Place of Worship: A

Holy Days: O

Sacrifice: A

Raiment: C

Revered Names for Deity: T

Deity's Appearance: R

Advancement within the Order: Advancement in The Church of the

Confederate Faiths: B

Adversarial Faiths: E

Sayings: "

Preferred Weapon: Morning Star

Other Weapons Permitted: Club, knife, scimitar, sling, spear, staff

Armor Permitted: Thick robes, leather, padded, plus shield

Bonus STPs: Animal Empathy, Fire Building, morning star proficiency, light armor and shield proficiencies

Powers: Immune to heat, fire, and sunburn (but not tanning); can stare into sun and suffer no damage to eyes; Shapechange into animal forms as Brotherhood of the Bear on page 80 of the PHB. Can only Turn Undead if undead is affected by sunlight in anyway.

Restrictions: Cannot Turn Undead. Must have a minimum of a 12 Constitution and 12 Wisdom. Must spend an hour a day basking in the sunlight with as little clothing as possible. For every hour in a single day they sit in the sun, they can go that many days before basking again (maximum of 12 days regardless of extra time spent during those days). If they do not bask, they lose one point of honor a day and all spells cast cast at half efficiency (i.e. half range, damage, healing, etc.) and +1 bonus to enemy saving throws.

Alignment: NeutralDivine icon: A metal sun with a frowning face, often made of gold or carved wood sun painted yellow.

Church of Spell LIst

(M) Spells marked are listed under the mage spells section.