
The Church of the Dragon's Eye

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Spheres of Influence: L

Tenets of the Faith: The

About The Church of the Dragon's Eye

Priesthood: Klaw Keepers

Symbol: A Koi fish with dragon features

Colors: Orange and White

Place of Worship: A

Holy Days: O

Sacrifice: A

Raiment: C

Revered Names for Deity: T

Deity's Appearance: R

Advancement within the Order: Advancement in The Church of the

Confederate Faiths: B

Adversarial Faiths: E

Sayings: "

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Divine icon: An eye with a koi fish as the pupil

Preferred Weapon: Fist

Other Weapons Permitted: Hook Sword, hand axe, dagger, knife, spear, glaive

Armor Permitted: None

Bonus STPs: Swimming, Survival, Climbing, Escape Artist, Literacy

May purchase Less Sleep, Long Distance Running and Resolute for half normal BPs

Powers: Diminished Injury, Block Projectiles, enhanced open hand combat, improved saves, enhanced movement, koi fish will never attach them unless attacked first

Restrictions: Receive only 10 BP per level. Must begin play with 12/01 in Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom. Vow of poverty, cannot have any aversions, enmities, phobias or any other type of flaw that deals adversely with fish or water. Cannot kill or eat koi fish. many quirks and flaws may be disqualifiers

(see Temple of the Three Strengths for more details on powers/restrictions)

Church of Spell LIst

(M) Spells marked are listed under the mage spells section.