
Here you will find short stories and refernece material that serves as lore for the Land of Egoth. Understand that information may be contradictory with other "books". This serves the purpose of different authors and different agendas that sometimes conflict with the truth. Please take your time to read and enjoy.

The First Race: Nydirans by Cassius Vonkoff of Helmguard (a brief history of race of Nydiran)

The Glorious Race of Man on Egoth by Prefect Sabinus Pontius (a description of the ethnic groups of humans on Egoth)

Coming Soon:

The Might of the Minotaur People by Martin Darkhorn (a description and historical notes on Minotaurs and their sub-races)

The Truth Behind His Crest: The Dekkar Story by Matallica Firesong (a captivaing, revealing story of Dekkar Braveheart's fall from grace rooted in his early days as a "hero")

The Noble Orc by Cassius Vonkoff of Helmguard (a brief history of the first race of orcs known as Orsirians)

Hell Hath No Fury as a Zarakian Scorned by Arcanus Greycloak (a histroy of the Zarakian people and the writers personal encounter with them)