Gnomar Garlsteel-Parra

Background: Gnomar grew up in the small village of Kornwood with his father and mother. Kornwood was under the protection of a local lord named Lord Tatanium Angelforge who lived in a nearby castle. Gnomar’s father Zillnar was a famous minstrel who lead a band of gnomish piccoloest and dwarven dancers who would often perform for local nobles at festivities. Gnomar was a priest of The Lord of the Burrow (Segojan Earthcaller) gnomish gawd of nature and the earth. Kornwood was home to a Earthfriend Caverns, a natural cave filled with natural wonders and made into a temple to the gnomish gawd. Gnomar was chosen by the clergy at a young age, to become a priest of The Lord of the Burrow and had but recently became an fully ordained priest.

One day, a thief named Larry the Luter was found stealing crops from one of the field and was forced to work off his debt at the farm by the local sheriff. Gnomar often helped out his family by looking over the work at the farm and he quickly befriended this local rogue. One day the two of them were working when the rouge fell into a huge pile of manure. Gnomar laughed and the rogue quickly tackled Gnomar into the huge steaming pile.

The day wore one and the two worked in a hayloft in the barn, spreading hay, when they heard the barn door open. A several people rushed into the barn and Gnomar noticed it was many of the towns people. The barn doors closed and 12 werewolves transformed before their eyes. They mauled the townsfolk, but did not smell the two in the loft because of the manure.

Gnomar attempted to hell in horror, but the rogue covered his mouth. Earlier that day, Gnomar stepped on a crack by mistake. The rogue told him something horrible would happen because of it and Gnomar didn’t believe him.

The werewolves left leaving the barn full of blood and gore. Gnomar and the rogue saw the leader of the pack. He was a nearby thug named Bill Varin. Gnomar and the rogue told the sheriff and soon, they sent a lynch mob after him. It was no use. Bill Varin was gone. The town posed a 10,000gp reward for him so Gnomar and the rogue set out to bring him to justice.

Gnomar is known to take his time when attacking foes. His superstitious nature requires him to swing his bat around five times carefully watching for the perfect opportunity to strike before swinging his club (Eye of the Tiger Advantage), unforunatly, this makes Gnomar attack last in every combat situation.

While on the search for Bill Verine, Gnomar and Larry split up and went in different directions. Gnomar was trapped and sent into a dungeon. He found himself with a monk, a grel "diviner", and a thief.

They managed to escape their cell and Gnomar managed to free a priest of Nudor named Gordo who swore loyalty to the gnome. The diviner died and the and Gnomar came across a tied up pixie faerie who was acting crazy. Gnomar was truly convinced that this pixie faerie was bitten by a werewolf, and was terrified of a tiny flying were-creature infecting the group with lycanthropy. With tears in his eyes he threw the poor creature into a puddle of green slime. Later they found a wild Mage named Royu. The entire complex was beginning to collapse and Gnomar, Royu and Gordo managed to make their way into an underground cave and followed it into a gnome city. There they met a gnome titan named Glarn the Bold who joined their party.

The gnome greeted them kindly and told them the only way they could leave was to used a magic item called a Astrolab. The gnomes claimed they would send them home if they did a quest for their friend a Rakasta. He wanted them to save a Rakasta princess in their home realm named Thunder Rift. The party agreed and used the Astrolab to send the party to Thunder Rift somewhere in the outer planes.

They investigated an Japanese style palace, and fought a great many shadowy cat like monsters called Ebon Tigers, whose bite causes blindness.

During the final battle, Royu went blind and his alignment was changed during a wild surge. He killed himself and Glarn the Bold, Gordo and Gnomar continued to rescue the princess and went home.