
Paramilitary Organizations

The Revengers

Name of Members: Revengers

Location: Owl's Nest hidden in forest north of Helmguard

History: The Revengers were formed by Tarak Goldsword originally as an adventuring group in 70 T.R.. Tarak took on the identify of Owl Man to help out those in the name of Tarakas. Tarak began to recruit many other adventurers with special abilities that grew the organization. When Tarak gave up his adventuring career, he created the Owl's Nest with the help of the druid Tanar Oakshaker. The Owl's Nest, a half mile giant tree magically hidden, served as a secret base for the Revengers. Tarak trained new recruits but left the day to day running of the organization to his adobpt kobold song Kaptain Kobold. Tragedy struck in the year 100 T.R. when Tarak's past ally Dekkar Braveheart turn to evil and caused chose across the land with his enhanced magical abilities. Tarak called the best members of the organization together to stop Dekkar but they were all killed. Kaptain Kobold took over official leadership and has began recruiting for the organization to replace the those who were lost.

Purpose: To right wrongs caused by evil through military action

Leader of Organization: Kaptain Kobold who has been in charge of the Revengers since death of Tarak Goldsword. It is unknown who will replace Kaptain Kobold as leader, as his short lifespan is coming to a close.

Alignment: Any good or neutral

Symbol: A large red R sticking out of red circle.

Days of Import: The day the Revengers began.

Raiment: No standard outfit required, though usually a logo of the Revengers is worn.

Advancement: Advancement is based off merit and ability. Anyone can achieve any rank based off what they do in the name of the organization.

Members: Members assume an alternate identity under a code name when working for the Revengers. The goal is to fight the good fight and help protect Egoth from major catastrophes caused by evil individuals and organizations. When recruitment numbers rise, members will be divided into groups based off location. You'll have the West Egoth Revengers protecting the lands west of the Great Rune River, while the North Egoth Revengers cover the lands near and north of Runel. The core Revengers function in the Helmguard Empire, Twilight Kingdom and Nefarious Legion areas. In time of great emergency, the organization will call all the Revengers across the land from all groups to come an assist.

Due to the way the Revengers were created, the organization allows any non-evil class to join them.

STPs: Secret Persona (free), Tumbling (free), Current Affairs, Basic Leadership, Endurance, Intelligence Gathering, Interrogation, Skilled Lair (to protect identity), Maintain Self-Discipline, Running, Swimming, Intimidation, Poker Face, Resist Persuasion,

Weapons Permitted/Favored: Any permitted by class

Armor Permitted/Favored: Any permitted by class

Ability Restrictions: None, though most who join excel at some skill or ability

Powers: All Revengers can use the symbol the wear to communicate with other members in a form of "group chat" or contact a group of individuals in the organization. The symbol produces the persons voice at the same volume as the item is spoken into, thus others can overhear if close enough. The Revenger must touch the symbol when communicating. The moment they remove their touch, the communication ends. The symbols are given to a member when they join, created specifically for that person. If the person loses their symbol, they can have a new one created. For some unknown reason the item will be imbued to communicate again after being worn by the Revenger for a week. It is believed the magical energies of the Owl's Nest imbue the person more than the symbol. Areas were magic does not work will cause the symbol to lose its ability to communicate until removed from the area.

Friends/Allies: Swords & Roses, Helmguard Empire

Foe/Enemies: Nefarious Legion, Evil

Sayings: You will be revenged! -Revengers Retaliate! -If we can't protect Egoth, you can be damn sure we'll revenge it!

Magical Organizations

The Society of Free MageryName of Members: The Free Mages

Location: Ganna: Western Conford in Sisco and the City of Solars. Rune: Twilight Village on Egoth.

History: The Society of Free Magery started as an experiment by Rostier Fireheart. While a member of the Circle of Sequestered Magicks, he felt more could be done with magic rather than hording it away. He also suspected that the high risk and enemies of the Circle could one day cause its collapse. Having learned the many secrets of the planes, hackjamming and monster creation, Rostier put his society together. Here brothers and sisters of magic would unite in a common cause to preserve and promote magic.

Purpose: To increase knowledge, acceptance and use of magic throughout the planes. Includes increasing knowledge of the planes, hackjamming, artifacts, magic items use and construction. Less concerned about the balance of magic like the Circle, though troublemakers who abuse magic and turn societies against it are targets of the Free Mages.

Leadership: Rostier Fireheart.

Alignment: Any alignment though Chaotic alignments are discouraged.

Symbol: Two wands with their tips facing with a ring behind and above the tips with two scrolls unfurled with runes showing at the base of the wands shaped like an L opening upward. In the center is the letter F.

Days of Import: Days where magic is at its height.

Raiment: Suits are encouraged though robes are allowed until a proper suit can be made. Colors doesn't matter though Blues, Purples, and Greens are popular colors.

Advancement: Advancement is based off achievements, merit and ability. The group is not very political, as there is a harmony that encourages teamwork though friendly rivalries are common. Generally the most powerful mage is selected leader with a council of mages from varies specializations who make choices for the society. Cell organizations form in many areas and are self governed after the style of the head coucil and their leader reports for their group.

Members: The Free Mages are selective of who joins their group but generally accept those who follow their doctrine. Applying to the Free Mages generally requires knowing a member who will sponser you. The key view is the free use of magic and the requirement that all members follow a magic gawd, though which one is not important nor the strength of their convictions. The society forbids religious discussions or conversions beyond stating who you follow when you join. Popular magic gods include Wee Jas, Isis, Hecate and Hokalas. A few recent people follow Nethys, though others find this deity unsettling. The reason for following a magic deity is mostly to appease those who help the flow of magic and hopefully have their blessings to avoid magical shortages.

Higher ranked members are often sent to start magic lodges in other areas to promote teaching and use of magic. In areas were magic is strictly controlled, free mages are often viewed as rabble-rousers, dissenters and even traitors. Secret groups are form to use their abilities to overcome such political structures.

Members are also required to learn about the planes and many initiates are sent there are part of their initiation. Usually at a later point members are required to spend some time HackJamming.

STPs: Arcane lore (free), hackjamming (free), portal feel (free), alchemy, anatomy, planar sense, planar survival, spell recovery, read/write, glean information, intelligence gathering, diplomacy

Weapons Permitted/Favored: Per class and including sling

Armor Permitted/Favored: As class

Ability Restrictions: Intelligence-13, Charisma-12. Honor must be at least average for level.

Powers: Free Mages can detect planar portals as if they were a native planar being.

When HackJamming, a Free Mage retains receive a +1 to SR rating when using a helm and retains one spell of choice. Should he leave and reenter the helm, even though he has his one spell, he cannot use a helm until he rests his required amount of sleep (often rememorizing his spells).

Free Mages receive can receive training in skills and spells in regards to planeswalking and hackjamming at 75% the cost.

Free Mages who achieve a high enough rank and are have alchemy skills will be taught a special potion that can be used to give magical bloodlines to a creature from those who drink it. This may allow them to become sorcerers, but it may not always work. If the potion doesn't work it still fuses with the drinker and now the bloodline can be passed on to their progeny.

Friends/Allies: Mage Advocates, Boarzits, Dragon Committee, Planewalker's Guild of the Infinite Staircase, Explorers Guild

Foe/Enemies: Order of the Dragon, Black Hands

Sayings: You hate magic barbarian...then let me enlighten you with a fireball. -Magic is the right of all sentient beings. -We are the beginning of planewalking, hackjamming and true magic in this sphere and you will not stop us! -Who crushes the barbarians might? Who fireballs light the night? We do, we do!

Spell Modifications: Members of the Free Mages who are specialists can learn three spells of their choice from a restricted school at half his normal learn chance (must have copy of spell). Once all three spells are learned, they cannot learn anymore. Members who have no restricted spells learn a random spell for free when they gain access to a new spell level (They may choose the level) for up to three total in their careers. Sorcerers gain three additional spells known with same restrictions as above.

Rogue Organizations

Holy Orders

Druid Circles

The Circle of Egoth (a.k.a. Sapphire Enclave)

Name of Members: Indigoths

Location: Egoth and surrounding islands up to those directly east of the Emirate of Fra'neer.

History: The Circle of Egoth is one of the many druid circles of Rune. Some consider it to be the oldest in the world, sometimes referred to by its original name: the Sapphire Enclave. The circle is in charge of Egoth and all the nearby islands. The famous hierophant druid Tanar Oakshaker was once the Great Druid of this circle, after the circle was nearly destroyed by the Shadow Circle (fanatic druids bent on destroying cities and returning to a hunter/gather way of life more in balance with nature). The order survived since the days of the Irda and continues to thrive. In recent times there has been less new initiates, so often new recruits are those who have left circles from the other lands.

Purpose: To protect the natural order of Egoth and to live in harmony with nature.

Great Druid: Angelous the Aasimar

Alignment: Neutral

Symbol: A scythe horizontal below an oak tree with a dark blue background.

Days of Import: End of each season and solstices (standard druid days of importance)

Raiment: Deep blue robes are often worn at moots, especially when attending those with other circles.

Advancement: As Druid

Members: Indigoths are helpful and friendly for druids. When Tanar rebuilt the order, he focused on having the druids more apart of the civilizations of the land. You can find a village druid in most towns across the land. These druids help the people live in harmony with the land and preform many druidic services. Druids here view they have a service to the land and all that live there. This doesn't mean their foolish, as druids of this circle are more likely to interfere in order to push whatever agenda is needed for the sake of the land. They often get people to do what is needed with having a direct hand in matters.

Known Members (Rank): Ja'hori the Suelte (Archdruid), Amorph (Archdruid), Lupus (Druid) , Crymlin (Initiate 6th, Village Druid of Cora)

Branches in region: Forest, Mountain, Plains, Desert, Swamp, Gray, Jungle (from islands only), Artic (very rare, only on very high mountain peaks in north or small area on Lost Dragon's Isle)

STPs: Ulterior Motive (free), Botany, Geology, Weather Sense, Identify Animals by Tracks, Survival Skill Suite, Swimming, Woodland Lore, Herbalism

Weapons Permitted/Favored: As Druid. Scythe allowed.

Armor Permitted/Favored: As Druid. Any armors from natural sources (leather, hide and bone). No metal armor allowed.

Ability Restrictions: As Druid

Powers: As Druid

Friends/Allies: Druid Circles, Circle of Sequestered Magicks

Foe/Enemies: Shadow Circle, Black Hands

Sayings: Beware our shaking trees! -Balance must sometimes be nudged the right way and occasionally bent in the service of nature. -A helpful druid is a druid on a mission.

Monk Orders