
Zealots of Firebeard, Gawd of Alcohol, Drunkenness, Daring Battles

Title: Molotovs

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Ability Requirements: Strength 13, Constitution 14

Prime Requisite: Strength, Constitution

Hit Die Type: d10

To-hit Progression: Fighter

Saving Throw Tables: Fighter

Building Point Bonus: 6

Spelljacking: No

Spell Spheres: Devotional 1, Chaos 7, Combat 7, Creation 1, Elemental Earth 3, Elemental Fire 7, Elemental Water 7, Healing 3, Hurting 5, Necromancy 4. May memorize the mage spell Firewater as a first level spell.

Turn/Command Undead: No

Weapon of Choice: Battleaxe

Weapons Permitted: Any axe, any crushing melee weapon

Armor Permitted: Any

Allowed Race: Any who can drink alcohol (most are dwarves)

STP’s: Gain High Tolerance and Brewing talent at no initial cost. They pay half BP cost, have double mastery roll, and have double the chance of learning any skills that deals with brewing and alcohol. May take axe bonus and dense skin talent even if not allowed by race at one BP less than normal cost

Other Requirements: Molotovs may never take a talent or flaws that restricts alcohol use (such as Prudish). And will never pass up a free alcoholic beverage from a friendly source, though they may refuse suspect sources or accept it and purify with a spell later (which doesn't remove or damage the alcohol).

Symbol: A red beard with a mischievous grin.

Holy Symbol: A mug with a mischievous grin.

Restrictions: Molotovs

Background: Firebeard

Zealots’ Relationships to Standard Clerics: Zealots view clerics

Special Powers: Incite Berserk Rage

1st - Any living target of a spell cast by a Molotovs causes 1 point of intoxication per level of the spell. Targets may make the normal check to reduce the point as if they had drunk an alcoholic beverage. If there is no living targets, then the Molotov is affect by the intoxication.

3rd - Can

Holy Days: Maroth


All Followers: Followers

Zealots: Zealots