Darkton Bloodgem

The dwarven stronghold of Varkolduhr (pronounced Vark-old-doo-r) was first known for its mundane metals such as iron, copper and gold and was a modest dwarven kingdom, until the discovery of the ultra rare stone Brill. Brill is a rare stone that radiates psionic properties, and a large quantity of the stone was uncovered and opened a large amount of new training alliances with other nations, which prior to the Brill discovery were never even convinced. The money from the Brill brought in vast amounts of gold and gems into the once moderate kingdom and even the lowest of the dwarven social classes begin to see its share of wealth.

In the year -99 T.R., the king Hargrovm Graystone had perished after greedily entering a portal into the Quasi Elemental Plane of Mineral unprotected and was crushed, leaving no heir. The dispute over the throne come to his two nephews Norgerlum Hammerborn and Amnouth Bloodgems, and the war had raged in the halls ever since. Both sides gained allies eager to gain favor with the next king for the precious Brill Stone. Mercenaries of Desert Elves, Deep Gnomes, illitid and even beholders often joined the fight.

It was during these dark times that Darkton was born on the first year of the Tre’Catorium Calendar (T.R.) For all of his childhood and adolescence Darkton was plagued by the war. Everyone he ever loved was consumed by it. His cousins, aunts and uncles one by one were killed off in the numerous battles. In time, Darkton was trained in the ways of Haela Brightaxe. Her clergy were mostly female, but the young handsome cleric found himself quite happy with the “bloodmaiden” clergy and found himself more often than not in bed with them. Enough that an addiction soon grew.

Only about a year after his training, Darkton and the bloodmaidens were captures by a group of illitids. One by one the maidens were slain before his eyes and after a month, me managed to escape and fled into the world above.

Darkton was completely lost. He had never been out of the underdark. He wandered almost blind until he came upon a town named Drak, upon reaching it, he found it was full of Orcs who captured and sold him into slavery. He was taken north east to be sold in The Empire of the Dead, where Dwarven slaves fetched high prices for their building skills.

In route, the caravan was saved by a band of adventures. One was an attractive woman named Val Mortigan. Darkton soon fell in love with the young adventure and although she didn’t love him in the same way, the two often became lovers. He followed her to the town of Twilight Village where he found a job in an inn named Poocaso’s ran by the kwarf Wrightner McCalmer.

Darkton worked there for may years until one day found that a local hero, Dekkar Fireheart had turned evil and had slain Val’s husband Cyclic. This brought a group of heroes to the bar for revenge and Dekkar slew them all, one rumored to be in the number was Val herself.

Darkton fell into despair. He fell into drink. A month later, Poocasos was destroyed when Zorina Goldsword sacrified herself to kill the god like Dekkar. To make matters worse, a few days later, his deity Haela Brightaxe was slow killed in an encounter with a gawdess named “The Dragon Queen”.

Darkton had hit rock bottom. All he had ever known or loved was gone. He contemplated ending his life when a dwarven caravan came through town. They flew his family crest. He stumbled toward them and found that the piece was finally regained in Varkolduhr. The Bloodgem’s had won and that his bloodline is down to a trickle. He returned home to find his cousin Vallen on the throne. He was welcome back with open arms. Darkton, now a grim and resolved dwarf joined the church of Torog as a warpriest. Over the years he lead many campaigns. He teamed up with a drow tribe and slew the illitids that killed the bloodmaidens. He lead a successful raid upon the city of Drak to free captured dwarves and even traveled to The City of the Dead and freed the dwarven slaves from their captors and lead them home.

Darkton became a pillar of his community and a local legend. He married a dwarf named Joeland and they had two kids. Loegun and Guindoelend. They lived in an underground manor named Bloodend and so it went for many years.

In the year 118 T.R. strange and frightening monsters begin to appear in caves leading to Varkolduhr, the likes of which none had ever seen. More and more the creature begin to appear until the caves had become over ran. They were forced to flee and headed to their desert elf allies in the south.

There to his surprise he found Val Moritgan alive and well. She was pregnant with the child of the drow chieftens son. She told him that The baby daddy’s group was batting these monsters and finding a way to end it. In a dream Torag granted Darkton mystic powers and told him to go to meet this group and aid them in stopping this plight.

A storm night echoes outside one night. The desert elf tribe surrounds a woman giving birth, Val Mortigan. Her child is born, a desert elf boy. The scene soon turns to horror. Some sort of dark spirit enters Val. She struggles and runs from the camp, knocking Darkton over hard while grabbing her sword. Tarin's mother Coralynn grabs the child while his father Qual'Lin goes after Val. Darkton takes a moment to recover from being knocked over, and rushes outside.

Qual'Lin approaches Val and is suddenly struck by an arrow from above, falling to the ground. A black rot begins to cover his skin where the arrow hit. Darkton runs as fast as he can with his short legs, reach Qual'Lin.

A figure holding a bow riding a bloated Pegasus covered in black boils lands near Val. The figure is short with a red beard, looks dwarf like.

The figure speaks, "Join me sister as the last horseman. The age of heroes comes to an end. You and my host are the last, for pestilence will cover the land where I touch...and your sword shall slay all in battle as you constantly war."

Val yells no. She tries to resist but the transformation begins. Armor covers her body, a large sword appears before her.

She looks directly at Darkton, "Help me! Free me!" and the armor covers her and the transformation is complete. Darkton runs to Val.

A nightmare horse appears, Val mounts it and flies off before Darkton can reach her. Qual'Lin struggles back to camp with Darkton's help.

Family / Clan