Kingdoms & Cities

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Agnon-Drunas Alliance (AKA The Goblin Alliance)

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Hobgoblin (35%), Goblins (25%), Bugbear (20%), Kobold (10%), Human (5%), Half-Hobgoblin (3%), Other (2%)

Nationality: Drunons

Religions: The Overlord, Hruggek, Kurtulmak, Maglubiyet

Languages: Hobgoblin, Goblin, Bugbear, Kobold, Common

Social Alignments: Lawful Evil

Natural Resources: Fish, Slaves, Herbs, Ancient Artifacts

Government Type: Federation

Current Leader: Lord Kil'orgig Battlefist

Capital: Drunas

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions: The Blue Wyverns

Political Pressures:

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: Syndicate of Unholy Divinity (uneasy), Drakian Dominion (uneasy)

Enemies: Helmguard Empire (cold war), Nomadic Rakasta of the Shadow Forest

Drunas- (Large City, 25,000, L/E) Drunas is a testament to the drive of hobgoblins. Long ago humans tried to claim this ancient ruin to build upon the delta of the Great Rune River. Hobgoblins, who dominated much of the south decided to keep humans from their lands and take the ruins themselves. With the help of the kobolds who hide among the ruins, they quickly defeated the humans and built their civilization upon their conquest. They eventually set their sights on the sister ruins of there city, Agnon. To their surprise large group of bugbears and goblins had claimed the city from another group of humans who wished the same. Both sides, weary from defeating the humans, created an alliance for the goblin races of the south. Those humans not slain were taken as slaves who continue to serve the Goblin Alliance to this day, though humans and races from other lands visit Drunas for the slave trade. Drunas wishes to expand its borders, with one eyes on the Syndicate and another on the Drakian Dominion. The alliance wishes to one day spread all across the land and knock the Helmguard Empire from its position as the strong power in the land (by taking their cities).

Agnon- (Large City, 30,000, N/E) Agnon is the ancient sister city of Drunas, once a grand city of an ancient time. More recently it was taken over by bugbears and goblins who sought to remove the humans from its ruins, considering it a holy site in their religions. After the humans were removed, the hobgoblins of Drunas sought to conqueror their new neighbors. Luckily the bugbears and goblins of Agnon sought an alliance with the hobgoblins against outside racial influences. On that day Agnon-Drunas Alliance was formed. With the help of the hobgoblins, Agnon has been partially restored (with modifications) for use by these races. Visitors are sometimes surprised by the beauty of this goblinoid city. While Drunas may be the ultimate place to purchase slaves, Agnon produces the best of Egoths herbal drugs. What once were natural gardens in ancient times are now places to grow all sorts of herbs. Alchemists and herbalists often get their best herbs from Agnon. This herbal trade has been successful for Agnon, though it is suspected that an ancient storage of seeds was found by the goblins, who figured out the worth of cultivating them from anicent texts. Ancient artifacts are traded as well, some illegal to sell in Agnon as the city claims all aritfacts found in the ruins and underground passages for themselves.

Pulmora- (Small City, 10,000, C/E) Original home of the bugbears before taking Agnon. The Precarious Woods once reached here but heavy deforesting during their war effort and the fires that followed afterwards pushed the woods back permanently. This fire destroyed what was left of the goblin village, but it was empty by that time as all had moved to Agnon. The bugbears keep this village populated as a checkpoint into Agnon, serving to weed out those who seek to harm their great city.

Ugmala- (Large City, 15,000, L/E) This city served as the point of attack for the war to take Drunas. Since then it now serves to guard the passage to Drunas. Much of the hobgoblin military training takes place here, and many squads can be found on maneuvers in the nearby lands. Many of the blue wyverns are raised here, a special symbol of the hobgoblins. It is suspected these unique wyverns have dragon blood in them, and it was these creatures that help insure their victory at Drunas.

Azurian Sovereignty

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Nydiran (60%), High Orcs (35%), Half-Nydiran (5%)

Nationality: Azurian

Religions: Luvia, The Riftmaster (Hokalas), Isis

Languages: IrNydiran da, High Orcish, Common

Social Alignments: Neutral Good

Natural Resources: Wood, Ore, Nydiran Artifacts, Magic

Government Type: Monarchy

Current Leader: Queen Nasela

Capital: Indra

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions: Reclamation Society, High Orc Restoration League, The Luvian Honorbound

Political Pressures: The Nydiran are beginning to fracture in their unity. Countless centuries of serving as watchers of the thankless races that now dominate Egoth is slowly turning into resentment. Many of the Irda who leave often go native and never return. A movement known as the Reclamation Society believes the Irda should once again spread out amongst the land and reclaim what was once theirs. The Luvian Honorbound uphold their oath to Luvia to watch and warn the other races, but their numbers dwindle as the Reclamation Society grows in popularity. In the middle is the High Orc Restoration League, whose main goal is to help the High Orcs become a fully functional and populace society .

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: None, though should knowledge of the kingdom expand, Helmguard Empire and the Elvish Lands might seek an alliance. The short memory of the humans allows them to forget the past and the elves were never subjugated by the ancient Nydiran.

Enemies: None due to few knowing their kingdom even exists. Should knowledge of more than a handful of Nydiran live, the Goblin Alliance would be the first to rally against them as their stories tell of the ancient Nydiran cruelty. The Goblin Alliance also has an interest in Nydiran artifacts and would seek to gather modern Nydiran artifacts for themselves.

Indra- (Large City, 50,000, N/G) Indra is the seat of Azurian power and prestige. In ancient times the city was the heart of the empire, but its location was always kept secret from the other races. When the Nydiran began to challenge the gawds, they moved their capital city to the shores of Egoth. It was this fateful choice that saved Indra from being destroyed. When empire crumbled, one of the distant royalty left behind to govern the Nydiran home became the new King. This ancient King was a devout worshiper of Luvia and it was his actions that saved Indra and the First Isle from being destroyed. Since those times, the city has stood as a testament to Nydiran endurance.

The current leader of Indra is Queen Nasela, a direct decedent of the ancient king who saved the Nydiran. The few who have ever seen the city call it the most beautiful jewel of the world. The streets are clean, the people friendly and their hospitality unmatched. The Nydiran city lives in harmony with the rest of the isle, where wood is magically created rather than harvested. Many Nydiran live in the woods themselves, at harmony with the wildlife there. The city's population is the only known Nydiran settlement left in the world. The population was recently seen a surge in the last few centuries, with more babies being born to Nydiran and High Orc alike. This population growth has been seen as a sign by some that the time of Nydiran is returning.

Confederation of Clans

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Human (85%), Gnome-Titans (4%), Dwarves (4%), Half-Giants (1%), Half-Ogres (1%), Half-Orcs (1%) Halflings (1%), Half-Hobgoblin (1%), Grel (1%), Other (1%)

Nationality: Clanians

Religions: Zelaur (Tarakas), Shona, Zela-Rakishi, Aknar, Tobadzistini, Odin, Par'Kryus, Yiders

Languages: Common,

Social Alignments: Neutral

Natural Resources: Lumber, Animal products

Government Type: Council of Six Tribe Leaders with Bear Tribe as head of Council.

Current Leader:

Capital: Honorground

Legal System: Barbarian Tribe

Political Factions:

Political Pressures:

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: New Tarakas (uneasy)

Enemies: Empire of the Dead, Kingdom of Twilight

Honorground- (Large City, 16,000, N) Honorground is the greatest a city can every be if made by barbarians who built on its ruins. Honorground was once the war ground for issues between the nine barbarian clans. The ruins of this once grand city served to make peace or war. After Clan Raptor and Clan Lizard wiped each other out, the leader of the Bear Clan of Roor called all the tribes in the area together. So came Clan Griffin of Grifora, Clan Horse of Steedten, Clan Saber-tooth of Saberin, Clan Toad of Towdin, Clan Wolf of Howlta and Clan Eagle of New Tarakas. Clan Bear proposed that they should form a council of barbarian lords who will work together to insure peace among the tribes and to defend against outside enemies. Each tribe chieften would sit on this council and Clan Bear would sit as the head of it. The other clans, knowing Clan Bear was a power clan to have as an ally, all agreed except one. Clan Eagle outright refused the idea of Clan Bear leading the council, as it was known Clan Bear's view of women were as homemakers and not warriors. The other clans had heard rumors that of all the clans, Clan Eagle was the most advanced in weaponry and fighting techniques, in addition to having a fortified city hidden in the mountains near Eagle Peak. Clan Eagle decided to withdraw, declaring that they will no interfere with their alliance as long as they did not interfere with Clan Eagle. Clan Bear, happy to not have Clan Eagle in the council, agreed. The clans swore on their honor and Honorground was formed.

Centuries have passed since that day and Honorground has grown in strength and power. Visitors of the city may view the city as primitive but it has strong walls and is well protected. While temples and clerics are allowed in the town, mages are restricted or not allowed. Generally mages will be ordered to leave or forced to wait outside the city walls. This of course does not protect them from guards and thugs leaving the town to beat up the puny mage. Mages discovered inside the city are often slain where they stand. Claiming someone is a mage just to kill them happens occassional, but if the falsehood is discovered then the attack is generally forced to fight in the arena.

Some of original foundations of the ruins are still in use, including the famous Honorground arena. If two people have a problem with one another, they may duel in the arena. Unlike the arena in Twilight Village, there is no magical protection from death. True fans of arena combat swear Honorguard is the place to be. Magic is also not allowed in the arena, no matter what type. If one is suspected of magic use, they usually will have massive amounts of monsters or guards released to dispatch them for the crowd.

Due to their arena and battle focused lifestyle, many can earn a place in the society of Honorground by proving their worth in Honorguard. Even half-ogres have been praised by Clansmen, earning wealth, women and a place in society. Despite their acceptingness of other races battle process, races who are often considered magic-users, such as elves, are often looked down upon as weak and discriminated against by natives. Thus drow are often killed on sight and elves are told to watch themselves (as dark alleys can lead to death for them). Oddly Grel are allowed in town and are often respected, as long as they do not use magic. It is rare to see Minotaurs this far west, though a few visit to participate in the arena.

Grifora- (Small Village, 2,000, N/G) Clan Griffin claimed their name from the griffins they tame native to their region. Of all the clans, Grifora has the best relationship with New Tarakas. They have often provided griffins for their warriors in exchange mutual protection and Tarakian training. Grifora has had problems with giants accross the great river attacking them, and have often raided the mountains in search of revenge. It was Clan Griffin who hunted the Half-Giants of Ginor until they allied with the Empire of the Dead.

Steedten- (Small Village, 2,000, C/G) Clan Horse is aptly named, as they breed and ride some of the finest horses in the land. For many years they used to war with Clan Griffin before the forming of Honorground due to their griffins eating their horses. Since their allyship, Clan Horse often gives dying or sick horses to Clan Griffin to feed their griffins. They often work together to keep the Empire of the Dead from expanding westward.

Saberin- (Small Village, 2,000, N) Clan Saber-tooth earned their name from taming the famed saber-toothed Cats of Disappearing Forest. Over the years, many of the saber-toothed cats began to perish to infestations of spiders. The clan lead the cats eastward accross the great river to the northern Haven Woods. The cats have flourish here, though some of the native creatures aren't happy about this new predator.

Towdin- (Small Village, 2,000, C/N) Clan Toad has always lived off the great river, take their name after the power toads of that river. Rumor has it that they train all manner of toads, including the dreaded Doom Toad. They generally keep to themselves, often ignoring the politics of the clans.

Howlta- (Small Village, 2,000, N/E) Clan Wolf was the fiercest of all clans. While not as strong as Clan Bear, they were none the less cunning warriors who after battled with Clan Bear throughout the Disappearing Woods. Clan Wolf is surprisingly keen with clan politics, often keeping Clan Bear from obtaining their political goals that do not help the other clans. Rumor has that come of the clan may be werewolves, though it has never been proven. They do consort with all sorts of wolves.

Roor- (Small Village, 2,000, N/E) Clan Bears original home before it united the Clans. Clan Bear were nomadic but would return to the Roor during the winter months. They slowly pushed north over the years of warfare with the clans until the alliance was formed. Roor had another settlement closer to Howlta but abandoned it in favor of most of its clan living in Honorground. Luckily they abandoned it, as it was destroyed during the great burning of Disappearing Woods in 70 T.R. To maintain their barbarian lifestyle, some of the tribe must many years at Roor until they are ready to come to Honorground.

Drakian Dominion

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Orc (55%), Human (15%), Half-Orc (10%), Ogre (10%), Half-Ogre (5%), Other (5%)

Nationality: Drakian

Religions: Grummsh, Vaprak, Francor'Dieus, The Overlord

Languages: Orcish, Common, Ogre

Social Alignments: Lawful Evil

Natural Resources: Pigs, Tubers, Lumber

Government Type: Elective Monarchy

Current Leader: Molin Razorhand

Capital: Drak

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions: Brigands of the Tusk

Political Pressures: The Goblin Alliance wants Drak to join their empire and have refused, preferring to rule themselves.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: The Goblin Alliance (uneasy), The Syndicate of Unholy Divinity (uneasy)

Enemies: Gnomish Compact, Kingdom of Esgeard

Drak- (Large City, 30,000, L/E) Drak has been a blight to its neighbors as long as they can remember. Long ago a half-orc bandit united the roving band of orcs and evil humans who plagued the lands of the north. They settled at Drak and raised a city. Over time the settlement grew and many orcs and humans swarmed to the place. Drak serves another purpose, to guard the southern lands from northern aggression. Of course many bandits of orc and human origin often do "unofficial" raids in the north and use Drak as a safe haven. The nearby gnome-titans have been preparing for war against Drak for years, though many border skirmishes have broken out as they seek any excuse to fight. The dwarves of Mt. Stone guard their road to their mountains vigilantly and have ballistae and catapults at the ferry crossing should Drak set its sights on them.

Oraka- (Small City, 10,000, L/E) Oraka provides most of the food for Drak, and thus is well guarded by Drak. Pig farms are common, as well as tubers crops, and irrigation ditches from the nearby lake provide a water source. The ditches are actually refurbished aqueducts used by an ancient civilization, as the orcs would have been unable to construct them so many miles away from a nearby water source. Lumber is harvested from the nearby forest.

Warhasaha- (Village, 4,000, C/E) Ogres of all types (except Hedge and Magi) dominate this area and were recruited by Drak to join their dominion. The ogres provide mostly muscle for combat and labor, helping the orcs maintain their borders and develop their land. When not serving the alliance, most can be found in their remote village training with seasoned orc veterans teaching them tactics and orc weapon-smiths making large weapons for them.

Elven Coalition

Racial and Ethnic Groups: High Elf (40%), Wild Elf (25%), Grey Elf (15%), Non-Half/Drow/Grel Elves (10%), High Orc (10%)

Nationality: Coelfian (Sha'raelyn in Elvish)

Religions: Non-Evil Elven Deities

Languages: Elven, Common

Social Alignments: Chaotic Good

Natural Resources: Magic, Bows, Swords, Wood

Government Type: Monarchy

Current Leader: King Hardosin

Capital: Serenity

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions:

Political Pressures: Some elves from Helmguard are seeking to return to their cousins of the Elvish Isles. The Coalition is very particular of what elves may walk upon their land, as they must be of pure elven blood and must prove it. This has lead to the resentment of many half-elves from Helmguard who think living among elves of the forest would be better than their elven and human city counterparts. With the humans gaining stronger influence in Helmguard, seeking to remove the elven influence could cause in influx of elven refugees heading for the Isles.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: Helmguard (uneasy)

Enemies: Nefarius Legion on principal. Horned Imperium due to recent military activity off their northern shores. The elves are preparing for the day the Minotaurs push to expand their influence towards their lands.

Serenity- (Large City, 30,000, C/G) - The beautiful tree city of Serenity has never been seen by non-elves since its creation. This was the location that elves settled to protect themselves from Year of Long Shadow that was foretold by their ancient seers. The city has stood since those days and any non-elf who steps on their lands rarely lives to leave their shore. This is not to say the elves are cruel or heartless, it is just the wise of a long live race who has seen many of their race destroyed from living with other races. The elves of Serenity know that the elves who live on the mainland will one day come to an end while they will continue to endure on their isle.

Valley of Ancients- (Ruined City, Unknown Population Size, L/N) While the elves have mastered their isles, they avoid the Valley of Ancients on the east side of their land. They believe an ancient race of elves lives near the ruins of their ancient city and avoid them out of respect. Unknown to the elves, this ancient race are actually the last f the High Orcs outside of the First Isle. These High Orcs were devastated by plague and other horrors during the fall of the Irda Empire. With their masters dead, they hid in the valley and the caverns. They believe if they leave this valley that the horrors will return and destroy them. They avoid contact with the elves and any other races, though some still believe the Irda will come to claim them when the world is safe for their return.

Elven Port- (Small Town, 5,000, C/G) - Over time they knew the curiosity and aggressive expansion of other races would lead them to their lands for exploitation. To reduce this factor, they open a trading city with other races at the Elven Port. Non-elves can only come to the isle via this port and they are only allow to stay for short durations. Squatters are often given death by bow squad in the town center as an example to any races currently trading with them. Drow and grel are killed on site, should one be stupid enough to come to the port or any other part of the isle.

Nuetelus- (Small Town, 10,000, C/G) - The grey elves that came here with the High Elves wished to have a city of their own away from the other elves. They sought contemplation and intellectual pursuits over all. They ignore the outside world worse than the High Elves of Serenity or the Wild Elves of the Wild Isle. Unlike the elves of Serenity, they do not always kill intruders on their shores. Those seeking knowledge are often welcome and there are a few human mages who claim to have trained among the grey elves, though they said they had to prove themselves to enter their halls of magic. Those who come on violence or accident are often just magic'd away to the shores of Egoth with no memory of where they were or how they left.

Empire of the Dead

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Undead (45%), Draconians (30%), Human (10%), Half-Giants (9%), Drow (4%), Darkmen (1%), Other (1%)

Nationality: Deathguardians

Religions: Tiamat, Klaw-Keel, Grawdyng

Languages: Common, Undead

Social Alignments: Lawful Evil

Natural Resources: Undead, Metals, Stone

Government Type: Dictatorship

Current Leader: Lord Tiberius Zoth

Capital: Deathguard Keep

Legal System: Empire

Political Factions: The Dead Knights

Political Pressures: None

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: Klaw Hegemony

Enemies: The Silver Dragon Knights of Runel, Helmguard Empire

Deathguard Keep- (Large City, 10,000, L/E) Ruled over my Lord Zoth, this keep was his home and source of power for centuries. Zoth was imprisoned in Ravenloft over a century ago until freed by a group of adventurers serving Klaw-Keel. When Zoth was freed, he swore fealty to Klaw-Keel since he was the son of his goddess Tiamat. Since then the keep has expanded its influence through the land. Most of the worlds Draconians can be found here, created through secret ceremonies known only to Zoth and his gods. The keep was assaulted in 51 T.R. by Swords & Roses. The attack stopped Zoth's attempts to bring Tiamat to the world and diminished his numbers for years to come. After that time the empire stayed secluded to itself, regaining its numbers.

Ginor- (Village, 5,000, N/E) This small village of half-giants has aligned itself with the Empire in hopes of protecting it. During Zoths absence, a group of half-giants settled here after years of traveling as nomads in western Egoth. Recruited by Roxel Earthrife, the half-giants serve the Empire faithfully as protection against the barbarian kings to the west. Unfortunately the half-giants were away protecting the western borders during the assault in 51 T.R. but they were key in keeping future outsiders away.

Gnomish Compact

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Gnome Titan (30%), Rock Gnomes (30%), Tinker Gnomes (30%), Other (10%)

Nationality: Gnar'Lian

Religions: Pangrus, Garl Glittergold

Languages: Gnomish, Common

Social Alignments: Lawful Neutral

Natural Resources: Gems, Inventions, Iron, Copper

Government Type: Stratocracy with appointed commissioner as leader.

Current Leader: Commissioner Talon Rockboot

Capital: Fern

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions: Groin Stomping League

Political Pressures: Dangers of the south have increased militarization of their cities. The gnomes are beginning to feel the Kingdom of Esgeard will never progress in a joint effort to rid themselves of the Drakian Dominion.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: Galif, Kingdom of Esgeard

Enemies: Drakian Dominion

Fern- (Large City, 19,000, L/N) Fern is the largest gnomish population in all of Egoth, sometimes nicknamed House Malachite by gnome titans. Originally this was a small settlement of rock gnomes who left Mt Boom to get away from the tinker gnomes. Sadly they were ill prepared to protect their city from orcs and other monsters. The sent an ambassador to the island of Gnomish Compact in the west to ask for assistance. The gnome titans decided to help but at the cost of Fern being under their flag, along with Mt Boom. The rock gnomes agreed and ever since their town has been a safe haven for all gnomes. With the continual influx of gnome titans, the city is filled with half their race. Fern dictates all gnomish activities in this region with an appointed commissioner. Despite the gnome titan influences, the rock gnomes have been able to keep their peaceful life.

Mt. Boom- (Large City, Unknown Population, N/G) This mountain is often ignored by most sane folk, for it is inhabited with tinker gnomes. These mad gnomes, as other gnomes consider them, are rumored to have travel from a far off land and became stuck here. This is the common view of most gnomes, as their population is smaller on Egoth compared to other lands (except the Gnome Titans who live on an island just off the western coast). Originally the mountain was home to rock gnomes who took the tinkers in. Over time the tinkers seem to dominate much of the life style of the rock gnomes, so many left gnome in what was known as "The Great Rock Flight". How many tinker gnomes live here is unknown, though noises can be heard coming from the mountain night and day. Tinker gnomes that leave Mount Boom seem to always return eventually, mostly due to annoying other cities with their dangerous inventions. Mount Boom is technically under the banner of the Gnomish Compact (even if they were forced into it), though only a small garrison of gnome titans is here at any time.

Beryl Port- (Large City, 13,000, N) Gnome Titan port city first formed when the landed on this island. Due to the island's isolation, they were able to build up a sizable city in no time. The island was rich in natural resources, mostly stone and metal ore. Once they allied with the other gnomes on the mainland, many of the residents moved inland. Those that stay are the backbone of minerals that flow into the Compact. It is often the first place travelers from across the ocean dock at, as it is the only known part on this side of Egoth.

Alexandrite- (Large City, 12,000, N) Alexandrite is the sister city of Beryl. Much of the military force and training goes on here for the Gnomish Compact. This is also where gnomes build their seafaring vessels. Every training soldier comes out of this city and are spread through the Compact in order to protect it.

Helmguard Empire

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Human (45%), Dwarves (10%), Elves (10%), Humanoids (8%), Halflings (7%), Half-Races (7%), Gnomes (4%), Kender (2%), Other (7%)

Nationality: Helmguardian

Religions: Main Three: Corellon Larethian/Sehanine Moonbow (Elves), Moradin (Dwarves), Benyar (Humans). Minor Religions: Lords of Chaos, Non-Human gods, and many others.

Languages: Common

Social Alignments: Neutral to Lawful Neutral.

Natural Resources: Ships, Tourism, Fish, Apples, Cloth, Farm Goods

Government Type: Council of sixteen delegates

Current Leader: Council

Capital: Helmguard

Legal System: Empire

Political Factions: The Light of Humanity

Political Pressures: The humans have been politically taking over the empire for themselves, edging out other races on the council and bringing others under their sway. This political maneuvering has slowed their attempts to bring other cities under their banner. The humans have plans to reinstate the original noble families that once ruled before the great compromise to the other races.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: The Silver Knights of Runel

Enemies: Kingdom of Twilight (Cold War), Empire of the Dead, The Nefarious Legion,

Background: The Helmguard Empire formed over many years after the destruction of Old Egoth, often referred to as the Lost Empire. It was the first place humans not native to Egoth landed after being blown off course and their boats destroyed. During that time the land became contested with dwarves and elves as a holy site. After many years of fighting, an uneasy truce formed and parts of the land were divided among the three races. Humanoids from the south eventually fought against the exhausted humans, elves, and dwarves claiming their holy right to the site. The humanoids were held back but stayed so long that the other races had to accept their presence, though in a limited capacity as they are restricted to their district of land.

Today the city is ran by a council who determines the law of the land. During this time the humans have been slowly exerting their control into neighboring cities to increase the power of the empire and to eventually rid themselves of the other races. This has not gone as well as they have hoped, but the effort continues just as the others races try the same.

Helmguard (Metropolis, 250,000, L/N) – This is the jewel of Egoth. One of the largest cities in the world, if not the largest. It is a major trading hub for ocean trade and general access to Egoth. The city has a large mixture of races and sites to see.

Hellith Mare (Large City, 18,000, L/G) – Originally began as a fort to protect the main road to Helmguard from the south as turned into a large city. Built on ancient ruins, this city as been taken over and reused by its dominate human population. The early humans pushed out a race of lizardmen from the ruins and claimed it for their own. Despite being in the middle of a swamp, a town grew up around the fort and is a minor trading hub for southern goods. The roads are constantly patrolled by army of Hellith Mare.

Namir (Small City, 5,000, N) – A small farming town south of Helmguard that rose up around the Namir Inn. It was a common resting place before the long stretch to Hellith Mare or the halfling lands.

Lormally (Medium City, 11,000, N/G) – This city expanded from settlers seeking better terrain than the swamp of Hellith Mare. Unfortunately this town was often attacked in its early days by marauding bands of orcs. The protection of Hellith Mare is all that kept it from falling. Since then they have grown and can defend themselves well.

Footshire (Medium City, 10,000 N/G) – Footshire was the first halfling settlement in the early days. The rolling hills and river were a easy place for the halflings to live. Many hairfoots and tallfellows live here in peace, occasionally trading with their friends in Harebuck. In recent times, Footshire has been attempting to keep kender out of their lands. They joined the Helmguard Empire for protection from hobgoblins to the south long ago. They have remained members for some time, being a sort of bread basket for the empire. The city is mostly inhabited by Tallfellow and Hairfoot halflings, though the Stout population is growing.

Harebuck (Small City, 5,000, N/G) – A mostly Stout halfling community, they live in the hills and near the mountains east of Footshire. They keep to themselves but mine many of the metals needed for the local halflings. With their city growing, some have left to go live in Footshire.

Handyville (Small City, 8,000, C/G) – The city of kender formed after landing on the coast of Egoth. They stay in their city most of their lives until their kender wanderlust kicks in and the head out into the world. This has scared the halflings to the north many times, but the kender find the halfling lands boring. Minotaurs once tried to destroy this city but were unsuccessful. By the time they got to the city, the kenders were gone. They even burnt most of the city down, but the kenders returned and rebuilt very quickly. The joined the Helmguard Empire on a whim though Helmguard rarely sends troops to them.

Blod (Large City, 13,000, L/N) – This city started as a nomadic village around a large oasis in the middle of the Hot Sands Desert. It quickly turned into the must stop place when traveling through this desert. It became trading post between the north and south. There is even a legend of a farmer who once grew crops that could not survive the heat of the desert. Surviving in the desert created a very rules organized society. Despite the plentiful oasis, those who waste and steal water is dealt with harshly. Many travel to Blod as they feel it is a safer journey then traveling the marshes to Hellith Mare. Blod maintains it is a independent entity for trade, though they have allied with Helmguard in order to dissuade the humanoids of the south from attacking.

Fordside (Medium Village, 5,000, N) – This little village sprung up around the ferry to cross the East Great Rune River near Helmguard Lake. Since then it has become a major drop off point for river trade from the northern lands. Lots of trade happens here before many of the goods are carted off the Helmguard. Due to this trade, the road between Fordside and Helmguard is the safest in the land with constant military patrols to ward off bandits and monsters.

Horned Imperium

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Minotaur (50%), Bison'vyders (25%), Yakotaur (10%), Grel (10%), Others (5%)

Nationality: Horns

Religions: Taur'Raad, Baca (worshiped secretly), Arnuya (Grel)

Languages: Dwarven, Gnomish, Common

Social Alignments: Lawful Good

Natural Resources: Ships, Large Weapons, Metals, Grain

Government Type: Despotism

Current Leader: Pharacon Darkhorn

Capital: Hornal

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions: Order of Horns

Political Pressures: The banning of Baca worship is creating dissidents among the imperium, the possibility of a civil war brews.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: None

Enemies: Baca Worshipers

Hornal- (Large City, 30,000, L/E) This is the capital city and jewel of of the Horned Imperium. When Minotaurs first came to Minotonus (once known as the Horned Isle before the minotaurs renamed it), they congregated on this site and built a large city from the stone of nearby ruins. It was here that the minotaur moved out to conquer the island as their own. They subjugated the Bison'vyders and Yakotaur into their empire. With the races united, they forced the gnolls from their land. Great statues of minotaur heroes were build in the Hall of Honor in the city of Hornal. Many minotaur view Hornal and Minotonus as a blessing from their god Baca. Hornal is the only place left on Minotonus that still has temples of Baca, though they have all been abandoned and boarded up. Pharacon has yet to destroy them, in fear of the historical symbol they represent. Despite controlling the island, inland Minotonus is still a dangerous place for adventuring minotaurs to test their abilities. Hornal also serves that the many connection to the mainland, with many trading vessels and races visiting it each year. Hornal also hosts some of the bloodiest events in the land, attracting many outsiders. Grel often receive a cold stares and challenges while in Hornal, unlike other cities were they are banned from entering.

Sontorus- (Large City, 15,000, L/N) Sontorus was a military base turned military city. The minotaurs who serve in the military always spend time in Sontorus. The minotaur navy is one of the best in Egoth and many ships can be found here any time of the year. Due to the nature of the settlements along the coast of Minotonus, there are constant naval patrols and it is not uncommon to run into one. The Horned Navy excels at protecting their land and few pirates operate anywhere near Minotonus. In recent times the navy has upped its ship production and will often board and inspect any ship that comes within sight of Minotonus. This has caused a few skirmishes between Helmguard and the Elves. It is believed the Imperium is trying to make sure supplies that could land in rebel hands does not make it to their shores.

Lort- (Small City, 7,000, N) Lort serves mostly as an agricultural area for the empire. Since many Minotaurs view farming as a profession of the weak, most of the farmers here are either old minotaurs or one of the few Bison'vyders who have left their nomadic lifestyle. The city has historically been ran by the Yakotaurs, who keen minds have kept the minotaur lands supplied with many farm goods. Lort has remained neutral in regards to the conflict brewing. Quite a few minotaurs came here after Baca was outlawed, so it is believed that many Baca sympathisers live here. Since Lort is an important bread basket for the Imperium, there has not been a big crack down on Baca worshipers like in the other cities. If any sign of rebellion come to Lort, the people can expect the military to swiftly put it down.

Mios- (Medium City, 10,000, N) Mios has been the home of the Yakotaurs for a long time. A very intelligent race, the Yakotaurs quickly joined the Imperium and put their minds to work for their Minotaur leaders. Preferring to remain in the shadows, many leaders of the Imperium have relied strongly on their Yakotaur allies advice and ability to uncover secret information. Most minotaurs do not view the Yakotaur as a threat, though they are sometimes eyed with suspicion for their "dark" dealings. It is believed the Yakotaur have one of the largest information networks in Egoth, which has caused the saying, "You have a better chance keeping your secrets shadowed from the gawds than from the shadows of the Yak."

Cowatar- (Small Village, 4,000, N) Cowatar has served as an ancestral site holy to the Bison'vyders. While the Bison'vyders are a nomadic people, they often return this site once a year. A group of Bison'vyders maintain the area while the others continue their nomadic ways, often growing a small set of crops to maintain themselves. It is believed this site was once their home before the coming of the Irda. It is believed the Irda once traded with the primitive Bison'vyders, even trading the island to them. When the Irda fell and their cities destroyed on Horned Isle, the Bison'vyders were left unharmed and used Cowatar as their safe haven. There still stands a pillar constructed by the Irda and Bison'vyders as a sign of friendship of the people. This has lead to rumors of Irda hiding among the Buffalo Men since ancient times, though none have ever been found.

Moonas- (Small City, 8,000, N/E) Moonas was once an entire city dedicated to Baca, believed to have been built by the first Darkhorn. Since those days the city has fallen much from its ancient grace. All the temples and and statues of Baca have either been destroyed or fallen apart. When the Darkhorns fled the Minotonus, the city was quickly taken by less honorable folk. Minotaur pirates claimed the city as their own and have turned it into a villainous outpost. Pirates of all sorts come and stay in Moonas, even the grel are welcome here. The Imperium puts up with the pirates due to the goods they bring from their raids. It is not unknown for the Imperium to hire pirates to act as their own privateers.

Kingdom of Esgeard

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Dwarves (80%), Kwarves (7%), Gnomes (5%), Humans (5%), Others (3%)

Nationality: Esgeards

Religions: Norse and Dwarven gawds

Languages: Dwarven, Gnomish, Common

Social Alignments: Lawful Good

Natural Resources: Metals, Stone, Gems, Weapons, Armor

Government Type: Elective Monarchy

Current Leader: King Bloodgem

Capital: Mt. Stone

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions: Brothers of Blood

Political Pressures: Reclusive nature causes nearby empires to be suspicious of their motives. Nearby nations envy their wealth.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: Gnomish Compact, Helmguard Empire (uneasy)

Enemies: Drakian Dominion, Duergar of the Deeps

Mt. Stone- (Large City, 50,000+, L/G) The dwarves of the Kingdom of Esgeard have thrive under the Rustic Mountains since any can remember. Even the Irda believe they emerged from the stone during their ancient rule. Made up of a multitude of dwarven races, Mt. Stone is the only known entrance into the underground kingdom. Only dwarves live in Mt. Stone, as they rarely if ever allow outsiders to enter. Mt. Stone is the home of all dwarves in Egoth, even to those who may never have been to its halls. Originally the Kingdom of Esgeard was a hereditary monarchy. This changed after the entire royal family was slain during the betrayal of the duergar in ancient times. The duergar and their allies were banished from the Kingdom. Since then the royal counsel elects a dwarf from one of the many noble families to lead, which is generally for life. On rare occasions a low birth dwarf is chosen, but these kings often had to prove their worth through great deeds. Never in its history has a gully dwarf been chosen to be king, though most gully dwarves were forces out of the mountain long ago. Those that remain serve the Kingdom with lesser jobs like waste management. The counsel even gave the gully dwarves an honorary position on the counsel, though mostly as a means to keep them from becoming a problem. The Kingdom rarely bothers with matters of the surface beyond trading, though it is believe they fight many battles in the bowels of their mountain against the dark races of the netherdeep.

Tormar- (Small City, 6,000, C/G) Tormar started human trading post designed to trade with the dwarves of Mt. Stone. Dwarves would send their merchants there to trade with the human merchants. Over time it has built up into small city with dwarves, gnomes, humans, kwarves and even the odd centaur all coming to trade with one another. The dwarves of Mt Stone also view the city as a stopping point into their lands from the north, so it is not uncommon to find dwarven troops patrolling the streets. With such a large military presence, the city is unofficially apart of the dwarven kingdoms.

Calmer- (Large Village, 5,000, C/G) Clamer was once a disputed location between a group of hill dwarves and kender. The dwarves had an issue with the kender squatting on their land while the kender believed they were there first. As months turned into years, one kender wished they could truly understand each other. As if by the gawds or a magic wish, the two races merged together and created the first Kwarf, a half dwarf half kender race. Since then Calmer has gotten along quite well, despite the chaotic nature of many of its inhabitants. Those more dwarven minded have kept village organized. Many races are wary of kwarves due to their odd nature and mental instability. The city was named after the kender who made the wish and his descendants are the famous McCalmers. The location of the city has been ideal for logging and mining the hills for silver. They also raise some of sheep and rams in the land.

Due to their dwarven heritage and trading relationship with Tormar, the city has been grudgingly claimed by the Kingdom of Esgeard. The troops who guard Tormar often do patrols along the path to Calmer. The kwarves themselves have a defense force for their city, so the dwarves avoid actually entering the town if they can help it.

Fireoak- (Large City, 15,000, N/G) Not everyone wanted to live under the mountain, away from the other races. A group of dwarves, lead mostly by hill dwarves, created a city deep in the Stone Hills south of the Rustic Mountains. For a long time, most trade brought to the mountain came from Hill Dwarf merchants who would bring back their goods from the northern races. Fireoak has had it's problems with the southern goblinoid races but generally is safe. Most adventuring dwarves come from those who grew up in Fireoak, making the city semi-famous. Due to the distance of Mt. Stone and different views, the two do not always see eye to eye. There have been times with Mt. Stone refused to send assistance to Fireoak, saying it was their own fault for leaving the mountain. This view has become stronger as Tormar has become their major trading hub, viewing Fireoak as a place that is obsolete and unneeded. The dwarves of Fireoak have developed an independent streak, often viewing their mountain cousins as too stubborn and afraid of change.

Kingdom of Twilight

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Human (65%), Minotaur (10%), Halfling (5%), Gnomes (5%), Dwarves (5%), Planetouched (3%), Elves (2%), Kender (2%), Pixie-Fairies (2%), Other (1%)

Nationality: Twilightian

Religions: Isis, Odin, Hades, Harvester of Souls (Grawdyng), The Riftmaster (Hokalas), Zelaur (Tarakas), The Storm Lord (Thor), The Vengeful One (Rakishi), Shona, Zeus

Languages: Common, Minotaur

Social Alignments: Neutral

Natural Resources: Gold, Grapes, Wine, Magic, Wood, Iron

Government Type: Autocracy with selected council of lords

Current Leader: Lady Lauren Twilight

Capital: Twilight Village

Legal System: Remote Village

Political Factions: Two-Hander's Adventurers Guild, Swords and Roses

Political Pressures: Helmguard has been trying for a century to bring Twilight Village under its flag. The destruction of Southwind has caused them to double their efforts.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: Green Haven

Enemies: Helmguard (Cold War) In recent years two small towns have formed close to Twilight Village and joined under mutual protection. This has caused Twilight Village to expand its influence into a tiny country called the Kingdom of Twilight, which worries Helmguard.

Twilight Village (Metropolis, 40,000, N) – Twilight Village has been around so long, no one remembers but its leader knows how it began. What is known is it was founded by Lauren Twilight and she has been its only ruler, at least the one bearing that name. Every time it is believed that Lady Lauren has passed away, another would appear bearing her name and likeness and take her throne at the Red Tower. The populace knows this and care not, for she is loved by her people. How she lives for centuries or is replaced by her apparent twin, none know. She was believed dead for almost fifty years once.

Twilight rose from a small village to a very large city over the centuries. The name was never changed per Lady Lauren’s orders, as she felt that the named had earned a reputation and a pleasant place to live and it is. Twilight Village has one of the best trained militaries in the land and the largest collection of battlemages serving it. The city is well fortified, and has vast agricultural land tended to by many peasants living outside of it. In addition to its military and magical force, the city uses a large assortment of trained monsters to protect it. Those that are untrainable or old are put into their grand arena during the yearly games and contests that bring people from all over Egoth to watch and participate. This brings a large amount of gold to the city in addition to their gold mines in the hills to the north.

Lady Lauren’s rule is absolute but she allows a council of lords she picks to run the daily affairs. She is always kept inform of what is going on in the town and will change things as she sees fit. Lords follow her loyalty, as those who betray the city or her in even the slightest way are quickly replaced and usually put to death. When she disappeared, the lords ran the city but feared taking her throne for themselves should she return, which she did.

Besides creating the finest wines in all of Egoth, Twilight Village is popular location for adventurers and wizards. Twilight Village is one of the few cities to place no restrictions on the use of magic and magic items. The grandest magic item shop in all the land is located in Twilight Village. This has caused a wizards colleges to form and temples to many gods. Many religions are allowed in the city except those who would destroy it (such as Mangrus or Kuchooloo). The city is also believed to be near or on a powerful leyline. Many adventuring guilds have formed here first and spread their influence outward.

Zornia (Small City, 5,000, C/G) This village was formed by Zorina Goldsword at the end of her adventuring days. She sought to live out her lives on a simple farm but the farm grew as Zarakian’s from her tribe left the nomad way of life to join her. Over time the population grew and led by its own leaders, yet no one dare attack the village in fear of the greatest warrior known to Egoth, Zorina. Zorina was given an honorary position in which she could veto ideas, though she never used it except to not allow kender in the city. After Zorina’s death, the villiage leaders sought the protection of Twilight Village and joined the forming kingdom.

Chino (Small City, 5,000, N) The town formed from a group of minotaurs who were exiled from the Minotonus over a century ago, many of them users of magic. The minotaurs kept to themselves but traded with Twilight Village for many resources and were always treated well. Some of the greatest minotaur heroes came from Chino, including Malcom Darkhorn and Martin Darkhorn. The town is currently run by Martin who is very old. When Malcom died, Martin allied their city with Twilight Village and joined the Kingdom of Twilight.

Klaw Hegemony

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Human (30%), Orc (25%), Ogre-Magi (5%), Hobgoblins(5%), Goblin (5%), Drow (5%), Bugbear (5%), Gnolls (5%), Half-Orc (5%), Samurai Jackals (5%), Half-Hobgoblin (2%), Tiefling (1%), Other (2%)

Nationality: Klawites

Religions: Main: Klaw-Keel Minor: Zela-Rakishi, Yidders

Languages: Common, Rokugani

Social Alignments: Lawful Evil

Natural Resources: Lumber, Ships, Fish, Oriental Goods, Monks, Fine Quality Weapons

Government Type: Totalitarianism Theocracy (all leaders chosen by Klaw-Keel)

Current Leader: Dark Knight Grazzitz

Capital: Hemnal

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions: Order of the Klaw

Political Pressures: Being the new kid on the block has all neighboring countries wary of them.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: Empire of the Dead

Enemies: Helmguard Empire (border skirmishes)

Hemnal- (Medium City, 30,000, L/E) Hemnal was once once a great ship building port for Helmguard. Sadly the city was attacked by rampant evil dragons and most fled or died. The survivors finally regrouped and tried to retake the city fifty years later in 21 T.R. What they found was a city over running with humanoids and evil humans serving the demon dragon Klaw-Keel. They were able to retake the port of the city, but the rest of it was infested with Klaw-Keel's minions. The survivors hired any adventuring group as mercenaries to help retake sections of the land. Their plan might have worked but they were betrayed by an adventuring group lead by Zorissa the Tarakian, as she was insulted by the city secretary and could not let that slight go unpunished. Her and her minotaur companion kidnapped the city secretary and defected to Klaw-Keels forces. Replacing the leadership, Zorissa unified the humanoid forces and wipe out every survivor...none survived. Since then the city has been firmly in Klaw-Keels forces and new troops from other lands have been transported to the city. The forces grow quickly and this has made Helmguard nervous, as the city is next to their borders.

Hemnal is being rebuilt and looks to become a major hub of traffic if things pursist. Hemnal is a true melting pot of cultures that have all rallied behind the Klaw Hegemony's banner. Everyone works together to the greater goal of hegemony. Different cultures have began to adopt the unique lifestyle Klaw-Keel and his worshipers have brought. The city has begun to show eastern influences, as races from the far away land of Rokugan are magically transported. The ogre-magi population has grown and become leaders of many of the cities guard squads, usually served by contingents of samurai jackals. A monastery for monks has been built and erected. Hemnal also has the largest psionicist school in the most of Egoth. Hemnal has been making attempts to spread its influence to the nearby islands with some success through trade.

Narg- (Small City, 9,000, L/E) Narg was originally an orc clan that harased Helmguards borders since the early days. Now Narg has come under the flag of the Klaw Hegemony. It is said a half-orc female challenged the clan's leader in 25 T.R. When leader was slain by her, the rest of Narg honored the agreement to join the hegemony. Narg still enjoys some of its indepenence but their culture has greatly converted to that of the hegemony. The city has began to grow as other races move to Narg and help build it a good infrastructure.

Runelian Conglomerate

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Human (60%), Bullywug (10%), Halflings (10%), Aasimar (5%), Other (15%)

Nationality: Runelian

Religions: Luvia, Benyar, Athena, Tyr, Shona, The Knight of Gods

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish

Social Alignments: Lawful Good (Neutral)

Natural Resources: Knights, Weapons, Armor, Monks, Horses

Government Type: Council of Nine Knights and the King of Rotwood

Current Leader: Grand Marshall Lux Strongwill

Capital: Runel

Legal System: Remote Village

Political Factions: Silver Dragon Knights, The Green Guard of Rotwood

Political Pressures: Paltry attempts to have Runel rejoin the Helmguard Empire, despite their distance.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: Helmguard

Enemies: Deathguard Keep

Runel - (Large City, 20,000 L/G(N)) This mostly human city was once apart of the Helmguard Empire over a hundred years ago. After an attack of undead destroyed the town, the city was rebuilt by an order of knights. Even before the the attack, Runel had been mostly ignored by the empire who focused on maintaining order on it's southern territories. If not for the Silver Dragon Knights in which the city is now built around their castle, the town would have perished long ago from undead attacks from the north. The land is owned by the knights and is taxed. Though they are independent now, the knights are still quite respected in the Helmguard Empire and throughout the land with their many embassies. One of the few good monk monasteries has been built in Runel, with many schools of good monks working together and competing.

Rotwood- (Large City, 12,000 N) Rotwood is a hidden city with one of the most diverse racial mixture in all of Egoth. Located in a hidden valley, the city of Rotwood grew overtime as a secret haven for those seeking a home away from persecution. The city was founded by a human and his halfling manservant long ago. The human and halfling befriended the bullywugs of the river valley, incorporating them into the city. The halfling trained the bullywugs into a organized fighting force and they have served as the army and the guards of this city. The human became king of the city and his line ruled for centuries. The halflings descendants serve as the stewards of their kings for centuries to come. It was the halflings who helped form relationships with many other races who came to the city. The city was kept a secret from the major empires for years.

Rotwood's secrecy became threaten as humans moved north towards the mountains. The biggest threat in the year 26 when the Empire of the Dead formed under Lord Zoth. Draconions became to explore the mountains and many conflicts were fought to keep them way from Rotwood. After the assassination of their king in the year 92 by a group of adventurers under the influence of illithids, the new king of Rotwood knew they needed allies as Rotwood could no longer stay secret and alone. Halfling emissary's were sent to Runel to petition an alliance with the Silver Dragon Knights who were in the process of repairing damage from a recent demon attack. While there was some reservation about allowing Rotwood to ally due to the odd races allowed to live there, the Knights felt is was prudent to have allies familiar with the lands to the north. The two cities exchange resources, knowledge and mutual defense forces and training. Rotwood maintains its king and royal family, though matters that affect the growing empire are settled at the Runel council meetings.

With the Rotwood opening its doors, a order of neutral monks formed a monastery in the valley near the town.

Sylvan Reservation League

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Wild Elves (20%), Centaur (20%), Pixie-Fairy (20%), Pixie-Fairy Hybrids (10%), Brownies (5%), Satyr (5%), Forest Gnome (5%), Other (15%)

Nationality: Sylvans

Religions: Ikka Pataang, Silvanus

Languages: Common, Centaur, Pixie-Fairy, Satyr, Elven, Brownie

Social Alignments: Neutral (Good)

Natural Resources: Woodland Resources

Government Type: Monarchy

Current Leader: Athoris Greenbow

Capital: Green Haven

Legal System: Remote Village

Political Factions: The Sylvan Protectors

Political Pressures: Over use of wood products by loggers from nearby kingdoms have been an issue. Occasional orc loggers ruining sections of the woods.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: Kingdom of Twilight

Enemies: Empire of the Dead, The Nefarious Legion

Green Haven- (Village, 7,000, N) Green Haven was started by the wild elven ranger Athoris Greenbow. Athoris worked with Tanar the Druid and other forest creatures to create a special place for them. Green Haven is a sanctuary to all forest creatures, from pixie-fairy to treants. With special magic defenses and the woods themselves, all seeking entrance must first gain the approval of Athoris. Because of the nature of its inhabitants, it is hard to get an accurate number of how many live in this village. It is rumored to be protected by treants and all sorts of sylvan folk, such as leprechauns, dryads, nymphs, and even swanmays. Some years ago a large group of pixie-fairies immigrated after fleeing the fiery destruction of the Disappearing Woods.

Mayseed- (Village, 5,000, N/G) A Centaur village that has lived on the western edge of the Haven Woods for as long as any can remember. The Centaur here generally keep to themselves. The centaurs are friendly to visitors and live a moral life, despite the occasional drunken fist fights. They're lead by kind leader named Andi Griffinwing who takes a personal interest in all affairs of their people. When Green Haven formed, Andi proposed a friendly alliance under their banner to protect their people and their fellow woodland creatures. This upset some more outspoken and aggressive centaurs who left Mayseed as matter of honor. This group eventually turned to banditry and other things to survive and become Syntaurs.

Syndicate of Unholy Divinity

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Human (40%), Gnoll (25%), Tengu (10%), Orc (5%), Grel (5%), Ogres (3%), Half-Orcs (1%), Half-Ogres (1%), Other (1%)

Nationality: Syners

Religions: Set, Lovitar, Alu, Gawdyng, Pyremius, Hades, Arnuya, Gronfy, Yiders, Yi'Gor, and many other evil deities

Languages: Common, Gnoll, Sign Language

Social Alignments: Neutral Evil

Natural Resources: Lumber, Fish

Government Type: Theocracy

Current Leader: Chosen of Set

Capital: Jora

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions:

Political Pressures: The Goblin Alliance seeking to absorb the Syndicate into their alliance.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: The Drakian Dominion (uneasy), The Goblin Alliance (uneasy)

Enemies: Helmguard Empire (Cold War), The Grel & Rakasta of Shadow Forest

Jora- (Large City, 40,000, N/E) If evil had a home city, many would consider it to be Jora. Selfishness and danger abound in this city. Leaders are often replaced through guile and subterfuge. The one constant rule is this: only priests may rule as long as their god is an evil one. Often the chosen ones of evil deities congregate here to spread Jora's influence. Sometimes they end up infighting, but it is expected. The current ruler is a chosen one of Set, whose signature way of punishing those who cross him is to have them weighted and thrown off the pier into the ocean. Sometimes those in power try to enforce their dogma but most of the enforcers have served under many religions and only make paltry attempts unless there is coin to be made. Those with coin can bribe their way out of anything. If one knows how to safely traverse this city, then fortune and power awaits those bold few. Ships often stop here before heading towards the Garweeze Coast, and trading is profitable even after paying bribes and taxes. Any merchant worth his gold will always be protected by mercenaries. It is the only place where the lowliest commoner can come to rule, as long as he is smart, sneaky, and apart of a church. It is believed Jora began long ago as an attempt by the Helmguard Empire to place a colony of humans to influence the south, though obviously things didn't turn out the way they expected. Helmguard still views Jora as a possible springboard for the south, but does not have the resources to waste trying to claim the city and stamp out the religious corruption.

Kenu- (Large Village, 6,000, N/E) The Tengu have always made the Precarious Woods their home for as long as any can remember. They would often compete with the gnoll and orc tribes for resources. The Rakasta of the Shadow Forest would often hunt the Tengu for meat. When Jora form, the then leader decided allying the nearby humanoids would be of benefit. The leader brokered a peace between the gnoll and Tengu and now many of them serve the forces of Jora. With this alliance, the Tengu pushed the rakasta out of Precarious Woods permanently. Today, It is not uncommon for Tengu and Gnoll to patrol the woods together or serve as guards in Jora. The Tengu serve as scouts. Recently the Rakasta have returned to the woods, aided by their grel elf allies who raid the area. The Tengu and Gnoll patrols have increased to protect against new menace.

Ghol- (Large Village, 15,000, N/E) The Gnolls of this village were at constant war with their neighboring races of Tengu and orcs. It wasn't until Jora integrated them into their society that it changed their viciousness. Serving as enforcers and shock troops, the gnolls live a good life in comparison to others of their race. Even a few have gain leadership positions in military roles. Gholl continues to grow along with Jora, making it possible for the gnolls a more dominant race on Egoth. The gnolls make up a large part of Jora's forces and the reason most other humanoid races were pushed out of the woods. The gnolls of this area are believed to have one lived upon the Minotaurs before being forced to flee after the Minotaurs claimed the island as their own. Both races have a deep hatred for each other because of past conflicts passed on orally since those ancient times.

Syndicate of Unholy Divinity

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Human (40%), Gnoll (25%), Tengu (10%), Orc (5%), Grel (5%), Ogres (3%), Half-Orcs (1%), Half-Ogres (1%), Other (1%)

Nationality: Syners

Religions: Set, Lovitar, Alu, Gawdyng, Pyremius, Hades, Arnuya, Gronfy, Yiders, Yi'Gor, and many other evil deities

Languages: Common, Gnoll, Sign Language

Social Alignments: Neutral Evil

Natural Resources: Lumber, Fish

Government Type: Theocracy

Current Leader: Chosen of Set

Capital: Jora

Legal System: World Empire

Political Factions:

Political Pressures: The Goblin Alliance seeking to absorb the Syndicate into their alliance.

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: The Drakian Dominion (uneasy), The Goblin Alliance (uneasy)

Enemies: Helmguard Empire (Cold War), The Grel & Rakasta of Shadow Forest

Jora- (Large City, 40,000, N/E) If evil had a home city, many would consider it to be Jora. Selfishness and danger abound in this city. Leaders are often replaced through guile and subterfuge. The one constant rule is this: only priests may rule as long as their god is an evil one. Often the chosen ones of evil deities congregate here to spread Jora's influence. Sometimes they end up infighting, but it is expected. The current ruler is a chosen one of Set, whose signature way of punishing those who cross him is to have them weighted and thrown off the pier into the ocean. Sometimes those in power try to enforce their dogma but most of the enforcers have served under many religions and only make paltry attempts unless there is coin to be made. Those with coin can bribe their way out of anything. If one knows how to safely traverse this city, then fortune and power awaits those bold few. Ships often stop here before heading towards the Garweeze Coast, and trading is profitable even after paying bribes and taxes. Any merchant worth his gold will always be protected by mercenaries. It is the only place where the lowliest commoner can come to rule, as long as he is smart, sneaky, and apart of a church. It is believed Jora began long ago as an attempt by the Helmguard Empire to place a colony of humans to influence the south, though obviously things didn't turn out the way they expected. Helmguard still views Jora as a possible springboard for the south, but does not have the resources to waste trying to claim the city and stamp out the religious corruption.

Kenu- (Large Village, 6,000, N/E) The Tengu have always made the Precarious Woods their home for as long as any can remember. They would often compete with the gnoll and orc tribes for resources. The Rakasta of the Shadow Forest would often hunt the Tengu for meat. When Jora form, the then leader decided allying the nearby humanoids would be of benefit. The leader brokered a peace between the gnoll and Tengu and now many of them serve the forces of Jora. With this alliance, the Tengu pushed the rakasta out of Precarious Woods permanently. Today, It is not uncommon for Tengu and Gnoll to patrol the woods together or serve as guards in Jora. The Tengu serve as scouts. Recently the Rakasta have returned to the woods, aided by their grel elf allies who raid the area. The Tengu and Gnoll patrols have increased to protect against new menace.

Ghol- (Large Village, 15,000, N/E) The Gnolls of this village were at constant war with their neighboring races of Tengu and orcs. It wasn't until Jora integrated them into their society that it changed their viciousness. Serving as enforcers and shock troops, the gnolls live a good life in comparison to others of their race. Even a few have gain leadership positions in military roles. Gholl continues to grow along with Jora, making it possible for the gnolls a more dominant race on Egoth. The gnolls make up a large part of Jora's forces and the reason most other humanoid races were pushed out of the woods. The gnolls of this area are believed to have one lived upon the Minotaurs before being forced to flee after the Minotaurs claimed the island as their own. Both races have a deep hatred for each other because of past conflicts passed on orally since those ancient times.

The Nefarious Legion

Racial and Ethnic Groups: Devils (70%), Undead (15%), Human (9%). Other (1%)

Nationality: Diabolics

Religions: The Devil Lords

Languages: Common, Devil, Undead

Social Alignments: Lawful Evil

Natural Resources: Food

Government Type: Dictatorship

Current Leader: The Mouth of Diablus

Capital: Southwind

Legal System: Empire

Political Factions: Soldiers of the Damned

Political Pressures: None

Diplomatic Relations:

Allies: None

Enemies: The Silver Dragon Knights of Runel, Helmguard Empire, Kingdom of Twilight

Southwind- (Large City, Unknown Population, L/E) This city was once very large and populated. It was an independent city-state that sat upon some of the most fertile soil in the world. The city maintained a neutral stance with its neighbors, providing much of the food use by them. Southwind was not entirely as calm as others believed, as their was two rival factions who struggled for power and each controlled half the city. They used them Ten Way Road the lead into town as their borders. Most outsiders knew little of this conflict, though the attitudes and culture of each half was distinctly different. The north half were inhabited by wealthier nobles who preferred their harvest to make spicy stews while the south half were poorer and used ground flour to make wraps to hold their harvests. Sadly this all came to an end when an ancient buried devil lord Diablus emerged from its underground prison and destroyed the town. Rumors says that a group of adventurers failed to stop the evil and fled while letting the inhabitants die. Many of their unique foods and seeds were lost, along with food preserving techniques. The devils have controlled the region for years and even have flocks of humans who serve for power. Southwind has become a worn and dirty version of what it once was. Devils secured the area and have kept to themselves, as if waiting for something.

Independent Cities

A'ur- (Small Village, 1,000, N) A'ur has been an Aarakocra nesting ground high in the Wind Pass Peaks for generations. The aarakocra have stayed to themselves, though some would trade with Southwind before the nefarions appeared. Since then, many Aarakocra have fled to other nesting grounds, some even seeking refuge in human cities.. There are still some who refuse to leave and fight any winged nefarions who enter their peaks.

Bogon- (Large City, 15,000, L/N) Bogon is the only known settlement of the catlike humanoids known as the Rakasta in Egoth. Long ago the nomadic Rakasta roamed the Shadow Forest before the goblinoids infested it. A group of Rakasta, lead by the their leader Waizu Tora, created boats and sailed east to find a home away from the interlopers. They settled the city of Bogon and quickly dominated the Island of Gaoo, as they called it. It is believed that Waizu had left his people at a young age with a group of friends and traveled the lands far east beyond Egoth. He returned to teach his people the ways of honor and of the sword. The architecture of their city is similar to that of the Rokugan people, along with their weapons. There has been a movement over the years to bring the last of the nomadic Rakasta left in the Shadow Forest to Bogon. So far many of the nomadic Rakasta have stubbornly refused to join them, but have openly traded with their civilized brethren for weapons and armor to continue to wage guerrilla warfare against the goblin alliance.

Bogan has been looking to expand itself, as their island is becoming over populated. They have been slowing setting up outposts on nearby islands, particularly the island east of theirs. Some of their expanded outposts are catching the attention of those in Lizmia, after a minor conflict broke out on the shores of Lizmia Island. This conflict has lead to strained relations with their trading relationship with Lizmia.

Cora- (Large City, 15,000, N) Considered by many Helmguardian humans to be the "last vestige of civilization" before one enters Southern Egoth. Oddly enough, Cora is not a human city but one ruled by the dog like humanoids called Lupins. Long ago the Lupins roamed the northern lands of the Shadow Forest, long before humans. During this time the Lupins often came in conflict with the nomadic Rakasta and early goblinoid settlers. Eventually the Lupins met humans and were fascinated by their culture and technology. Trade between the species began at the Irda ruins that became known as Cora. The Lupins gave up their nomadic lifestyle and permanently settled in Cora. Over time, as the nomadic Rakasata struggled with the goblinoids of the southern, relations with the Rakasta began to cool. This even lead to Rakasta trading with the Lupins for weapons, armor, and supplies. Trade with the Nomadic Rakasta has lessen some over the years, as their relatives from Bogon have began to supply them. Nevertheless, the Lupin and Nomadic Rakasta could one day form a strong alliance as they mutually hate the Goblin Alliance. Due to their close relationship and long history with the Helmguard Empire, it seems inevitable that they may join the Empire one day. They city is currently led by the mysterious half-lupin known as "The Red Dawg", the offspring of the fabled Red Hound Sage.

Galif- (Medium City, 10,000, L/N) Couple hundred years ago a spelljamming ship crashed on this site. The ship was a leviathan class and had been transporting troops and civilians to a new settlement. Unfortunately the tinker gnome engine that had been installed, after the spelljamming helm had been destroyed in combat with Gith Pirates, failed shortly after departure. They landed the ship on the nearest planet at the time, Rune. The landing was rough but everyone survived. After eventually realizing there would be no rescue, the people built a city with the materials of the ship. Today Galif is one of the most impressive cities in Egoth. The few raids or armies that have tried to take the city have fallen to the military minded Giff and their superior firearms. The are one of the only places to purchase firearms and the Giff are notoriously restrictive on who they sell too (though this hasn't caused some weapons to fall in the wrong hands). While a few Giff hope to return to the stars, many are happy living their life on Egoth. Galif has a good relationship with the city of Fern, often trading weapons for materials.

Gih- (Small City, 7,000, L/N) After the magics that raised the Forsaken Badlands subsided and the land turned into a wasteland, a portal to the highest plateau was found by a group of Githzerai. The Githzerai decided to create an outpost at the site of the portal, as for some reason it has stayed constantly connected to their home plane of Limbo. Over time the outpost has grown, as constant supplies from their home plane has made surviving easier. Rumor has it even a monastery has built up there by Githzerai monks and psionicists seeking harmony with such a harsh landscape. Few people know of its existence, as none travel into the badlands of their own accords and the height of the plateau is dangerous to climb. Some Githzerai have traveled to nearby settlement, learning of their neighbors who often think they are exotic looking humans. Most avoid the Clans of Honor, as they are viewed as primitive and dislike the strange "magic" used by the Githzerai.

Gora- (Village, 5,000, N) Gora is a village of Dracons, the reptilian centaur like race. Dracons stay near the Great Rune River and often migrate along its shores. The dracons have stayed away from the other races, often mistaking the orcs with the hobgoblins. They dominate the grasslands east of the Precarious Woods. They are one peaceful terms with the Nomadic Rakasta of the Shadow Forest, often trading with them and seeking their protection from goblinoids.

Kol'Ka- (Village, 3,000, N) One of the largest communities of thri-kreen in the land, they thrive in the deserts of the Hot Sands. They are probably the friendliest to other humanoids compared to most thri-kreen groups, and visit Blod. They often visit Blod with what they hunt and trade it for metal items. The citizens of Blod respect the thri-kreen and a few have made friends with them. At times the village site is abandoned for other sites during the year but they eventually return during their breeding season. Recently there has been a surge in the thri-kreen population all over the land since an earthquake rocked Egoth, which has made people nervous about the race with many blaming the Kol'Ka thri-kreen.

Kubul- (Small Village, 7,000, (C)/N) Kubul is a hidden mountain village of amazonian women. It is thought to have been created by a disgruntled Tarakian female who failed to become a chosen one to a male. Since then Kubul has become a village for women of all races. The Kubulian women will take in any female who swears to uphold their way of life. Many of Helmguard's orphanages are emptied of all their girls every year by this village. Every Kubulian is trained in combat, and sometimes raid nearby settlements for supplies and girls. When men of good breeding stock are found, they are captured, blindfolded and brought to the village. While this image is often tempting to the men, few ever leave alive. In recent times Kubul has been avoiding Helmguard cities for raiding purposes, preferring to trade and take unwanted girls. This does not mean travelers on the road are safe, unless escorted by a sizable force. Kubul has been increasing its population with the intent of creating another village away from Helmguard's borders. Their raids into the southern lands has lead to an increase of half-orc, half-hobgoblin and half-grel/drow Kubulian women. Males born in Kubul are left by the roadside to die unless found by a sympathetic person.

Lizmia- (Large City, 13,000, N) Lizmia is an odd city with an odd history on Lake Island. Long ago a group of Lizardmen from a faraway land come upon Lake Island, aptly named due to the large freshwater late in the center of the island. Many streams of water flowed from the lake to the ocean, never to be contaminated by the seawater along the way. The water was the cleanest, freshest water in all the land that seemed as it magically flowed from elsewhere. The Lizardmen decided to settle on the coast of this water heaven, for the ocean and the lake were full largest, tastiest, non-aggressive fish in the all of Egoth. Of course the precense of the Lizardmen did not go unnoticed. On the southern tip of the island lived a race of turtle humanoids known as Tortles. They believed that the lake was given to them from the gods and viewed the Lizardmen as interlopers who would destroy their paradise. A great war between the races ravaged the island for years. One day a baby tortle was found by a Lizardman shaman. This shaman worshiped the element of water, and finding the baby tortle in the lake far from its home was viewed as a sign from his god. The lizardman raised the tortle in the ways of a water priest. The lizardman was amazed at the connection of the tortle to the water, able to control water magic with ease. One day a tortle war party found the shaman's home and slew him while the tortle was away mediating at the lake. When the tortle priest returned, he met the war party who greeted as an ally. As the tortle priest was amazed at seeing his people for the first time, it quickly turned to rage when he saw them dragging a wrapped body of his lizardman father. That raged caused a storm like no other to cover the island. The tortle war party had water in their body boil, dying at the priests feet. The lake began to shrink as hundreds of water elementals marched upon the land. The tortle priest surrounded the lizardman and tortle cities with his army, demanding to see their leaders. The tortle told the two races to make peace or both be destroyed. The tortle, viewing the priest as a prophet of their gods, agreed. The lizardman king, tired of war and knowing he had no chance, also agreed. The priest said that the two races would live together or die apart. A city of the two races was to built on the city where Lizmia stands today. The priest left to return to the lake itself, never to be seen again. He left one warning, should the blood of lizardmen and tortles flow upon Lake Island once more that he would return and destroy them all. Since that day the two races have lived in peace, open trade with other lands such as Bogon, and respected the gods of the Lake.

Mong- (Village, 1,230, N) The Forsaken Badlands are too harsh for most humanoids, and the Death Burrows are no different. Deadly monsters inhabit the large hill landscape and food and water are scarce. It was for all these reasons that Mong began. Over time a group of Mongrelmen, created through many failed magic experiments from unknown sources, came together to find their own refuge to be left alone. When the badlands appeared, they were the first to settle there. How they survive is unknown, but they live in hollowed out hills or underground structures they built or found. Because this place is a haven for the hated, a few outcasted individuals from all sorts of race have made a life there though none have ever left. It is said traveling into the Death Burrows is suicide and leaving them is death.

Morta- (4,000, CN) Morta is a village few know of and those who do avoid it. Morta is the only known settlement of the enigmatic race known as the Wohali. The race suddenly appeared a few centuries ago and setup shop in the ancient ruins of Morta. This strange draconic race with human like faces tried to interact with their nearby neighbors and were often mistaken for draconians. The Rakasta and Grel are aware of Morta but don't view them as target due to their general lack of resources the Wohali have. Surprisingly the dwarves of Fireoak have trading relationship with the Wohali of Morta, though it took many years before the dwarves stopped attacking them on sight. The Wohali tend trade metals and gem-like stones, though it is unknown where they come across such material in the middle of a forest. Obviously wood is traded to Fireoak, often in exchange for weapons. Motra sends out some of their people each year to interact with other races. Many are slain, but those who return tell stories of their acceptance among the other races. The Wohali have been focusing mostly on human lands as of late, though none know why. There are a few whispers that the Wohali are a scout group for a larger force, though they have yet to be aggressive and lack any real organization.

New Tarakas- (Large City, 10,000, C/G) New Tarakas was formed by the true followers of Tarakas, who fled Old Egoth at his warning before its destruction. The Tarakains have lived at New Tarakas every since. They live by their code of Tarakas and live in a "barbarian" society were women are highly regarded and equal to men. When I woman gives birth to a child, it is raised by the tribe as whole, not only by its mother. Men also help rear the children, though it is not uncommon for a child not to know who its true father. Rather they bond with one of the men with the tribe who act as a father figure, as all are children of Tarakas. Women often have leadership roles along with men. Some of the greatest heroes of the Tarakian people are women who were chosen by Tarakas, though men have been chosen also. The two most famous are Zorina Goldsword and her son Tarak Goldsword. Tarakian's have no last names but often make one up when they are in other societies. A general naming tradition of the tribe is that all children, male or female, either have a name that starts with a T, in honor of their gawd Tarakas, or Z in honor of his wife Zela-Rakishi. The Taraians are often referred to as Clan Eagle by the other clans for the giant eagles their greatest warriors ride. After the Clans of Honor formed, Clan Eagle secluded itself from the other clans. Those who have ever attacked New Tarakas have perished. Their weapon creation techniques are superior to all the other clans and even dwarves marvel at them. It is thought they have secret forges and mines in the mountains to the north, and that Eagle

Peak hides their greatest shrines.

Ogtal- (Medium City, 10,000, L/E) This city is key to the southeastern lands. Hedge Ogres settled here long ago and have refused to leave or join its neighbors. Due to the hedge ogres intelligence and honor, people come here to recruit them a mercenaries if they can prove themselves to the hedge ogres first. This city acts as almost a buffer to the lands of the north. They view all other ogres with disdain. A few races have tried to remove the hedge ogres but all have failed. The hobgoblins of Drunas have been attempting to negotiate their entrance into the alliance. So far the hedge ogres have refused, but they respect the hobgoblins. The Klaw Hegemony has also been negotiating with Ogtal. It is only a matter of time before an alliance is formed with one of the empires, which one could determine the future of southern Egoth. Nomadic Rakasta have had uneasy dealings with Ogtal, for while they hate goblinoids of all sorts, they also respect the honorable code the Hedge Ogres. The centaur have good dealings with Ogtal, trading with them often. There are some who want Ogtal to disappear. Sometime ago a group of Mangrus worshipers moved into Ogtal and ended up creating a small plague. Some hedge ogres, a few centaurs and others died to the disease before they wiped out the worshieprs. The hedge ogres suspect the group was sent here by one of the other races to remove them and have been watchful for further attacks of this nature.

Ruel- (Small City, 8,000, N) Ruel was one of the first attempts at the Rakasta to form a civilization from the Irda ruins of this area. It ultimately failed but is still used by the Nomadic Rakasta as a meeting place, outpost, and storage facility. Eventually a large group of Grel started using Ruel as their own. When confronted by the Rakasta, the Grel held firm in claiming the town. The leader of both groups fought, both killing each other. The second in command of each race stepped forward and instead of fighting, proposed an alliance. The Grel would permanently control Ruel, while a group of Rakasta would maintain a presence and assist in grel raiding parties. This allowed the Rakasta to still use Ruel as they did in the past, while the Grel would have a hidden place to launch attacks. This alliance has work well for years, with both races greatly respecting the other. Due to the proximity to the Goblin Alliance, the Grel often raid and attack them with the assistance of the Rakasta. The alliance has yet to find Ruel, but has put dedicated forces together with the goal of destroying the Grel, whose experience and training has made the Rakasta a dealier enemy since their alliance. It is believed that the Grel alliance and influence on the Rakasta has greatly hindered Bogon's attempt to unify with their lost brothers.

Sarya- (Medium Village, 8,000, C/G) Sarya is the only known surface town of drow. The biggest surprise is the drow of Sarya are good natured, having fled the underdark many years ago via a magic portal. The drow of Sarya worship Eilistraee, the good drow gawddess. They have been generally left alone due to their out of the way location. Few know of the village and those that do avoid it out of fear of their magics. When a group of orcs from Narg raided the city, they were decimated by the drow and their magics. Due to the lack of drow on Egoth, the drow of Sarya don't feel the persecution by most races. The only race on Egoth who are familiar with the drow are the elves who came to these lands long ago. The elves have long memories and drow are banned from the elvish quarter in Helmguard and killed on site in the elvish isles. The drow of Sarya grow worried of the growing evil drow population that was imported into Hemnal. The grel of the Shadow Forest ignore Sarya, viewing these good drow as unworthy opponents and wusses who couldn't handle their own society's rules. The few who have visited Sarya might be surprised that the town is not completely drow. When the drow first came to the Egoth, a friendly group of satyr helped them survive in those early days. This lead to the a strong alliance with the satyr of the Shadow Forest. Today satyr live with the good drow, sometimes serving as ambassadors for the already recluse drow.

Surtar- (Large City, 50,000, N) One of many cities built on ancient ruins, a group of humans claim to have been here long before humans arrived on Egoth. While few believe their claim, even humanoid records mention Surtar. Surtar is a magocracy, with the nobles and ruling family all being users of magic. This magic use has kept the city safe beyond even an elves memory. Today magic using races from all over will visit Surtar to see its wonders and its famous bazaars where one can find many magic things. Those of the original humans who built this city call themselves Surara, while those who live in the city are just known as Surtarians. The Surara stand out with their fair skin and almond shaped eyes, as no other humans in the lands of Egoth have such traits. One thing that startles newcomers is the amount of hill giants in the area, who serve the Surara as personal guards. This use of hill giants has caused Surtar to be noted for their large doorways and homes to accommodate such creatures. Many Surara architects are often commissioned by the Helmguard nobles to create large and fancy structures like those in Surtar. Helmguard has tried to convince Surtar to join their empire, but the city has decided to remain neutral in all political matters outside of trade. Rumors persist of dangerous monsters living under the city created by evil magics from Surtar, though this rumor if often spread by magic hating barbarians. Surtar is known throughout Egoth for the finest silks in the land.

Wamil- (Village, 2,000, N) Wamil is the village to group of primitive Liontaurs who call themselves Wemics. They live their lives as nomads traveling as far north as Mt Boom to the mountain range to the south. Before the rise of the Forsaken Badlands, they supplemented their diet with fish. Now they hunt get their fish from the lakes at the base of Mt Boom. Because of their remote location, few interact the Wemics. They are suspicious of outsiders and will kill them if they are threatening. They generally avoid and ignore the gnomes of Mt Boom, either in fear of the weird noises and devices they have or that gnome flesh is not to a Wemics liking. Their leader in 71 T.R. was a shaman who goes by the name Fire Wemic. He was slain once but return to life cursed with a fiery skull head. He was slain a second time by Dekar Fireheart in 99 T.R. when he assisted the Revengers. Due to His curse and that he had previously escape Hades, his spirit merged with his son and bestowed his curse upon him. His son took up the name Fire Wemic II in honor of his father as he leads their tribe. A recent community of nomadic Thri-Kreen have appeared and appear to be competing with the Wemics for resources.