
Soma's Background

Soma is a Samsaran priestess, chosen by her village to act as the voice of the chosen one. Her tribe is a very religious village that follows an ancient prophecy that foretells the coming of a savior, when chaos threatens the world. When Soma was born the elder of the village moved her parents and herself to the temple to be raised within its grounds. She would often look out enviously from the temple during her studies at the children playing below. Despite her desperate sense of longing to play with the children, her life was full of kind and caring people.

It was not long after her training was complete, that scouts from her village began to return with reports of chaos beginning to fall upon the land. The village elder decided it was time for Soma to travel out and seek the chosen one. So, Soma set out to find the chosen one and to assist them with the tasks required to save the world from chaos.

There was however, one problem Soma encountered when dealing with the outside world. Although she had been schooled in the wickedness of the world, she had only known kindness. After Soma had witnessed some scoundrels attempts to swindle her, she began to investigate the life style. This led her to training in the ways of rogues and scoundrels. It was during this training that Soma realized that things were not always as they seemed on the surface. Often times there was two interpretations of a law, two sets of laws in a society, or two separate societies within a single city. This revelation gave her great insight into the workings of a society, and knowledge on the best ways to form and control people within these societies.

Soma has traveled to a small town of Fordside after hearing roomers of a woman who fights the advancing chaos. She has talked with the towns people and learned of this woman's deeds. A woman by the name of Kitty, has informed Soma that this woman is due back in town soon. So Soma has decided to await this woman's return. To see if she is the one foretold by the prophecy.

The pale blue skin and black with blue hue hair of this young woman, would most likely give those the impression that she was likely an Irda or Samsaran. However these conclusions are given pause when her eyes come into view. Her eyes are almost solid black with only a slight crimson shine in the right light. A soft velvet color is upon her lips and she wears a suit of black chainmail. She has a traveling pack on her back and a pair a rapiers strapped at her waist. Should she draw these rapiers, their blades are noticed to be constructed of a red crystalline material.

Soma's Description

Family / Clan