Hugh Proudfoot

HackMaster 4e Statistics

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Family / Clan

Background: The Proudfoot clan had been a very respected clan in the Talionshire community for many generations. They were known for their stout warriors and priest of Arvoreen. In the currents they became community leaders in Talionshire. Hugh was born to their most promenade member, Som Proudfoot. Som was elected mayor of all Taloinshire and his sons were his pride and joy. Five strapping young lads, all trained in the Taloinshire academy. When war with the goblins arose, Talionshire stood up to the challenge, costing most all of Hughs brothers their lives. Hugh, being his father only child, was expected to follow in Som’s footsteps, but Hugh had different aspirations.

Hugh had a deep love for food, and would prepare meals any time he had the chance. If he tasted a dish he liked, he would have to know the receipt or use his culinary skills until he unlocked it.

One day, while rooting a tribe of goblins from a mountain side, Hugh’s patrol found a rusted metal box in a cave. Inside, was a cloth wrapped food item. The box had the initials “DF” on the outside and inside was a note.

“Dekkar, I got you this Southwind Burrito when I was out. I wrapped it in the cloth of preserving, so it wouldn’t get cold or spoil. Don’t forget to bring back the cloth. Love, Misty”

Hugh unwrapped the food, and it smelled fresh and was as warm as they day it was created. Hugh took a bite and it was the most fantastic thing he had ever eaten. Hugh placed it back in his back pack and went back to camp. Hugh tried and tried to figure out the recipe, the new flavors haunted him. Hugh asked his commanding officer for a pardon to find this place known as “Southwind”, but he was denied. Leaving his post was desertion and he would become outlawed, but the power of the burrito was too great. Hugh packed his belonging and left.

Hugh found his was to the city of Southwind, but it had been destroyed years before in a scuffle with Diablo. Hugh meets a man named Kain Ledgard who tells of the destruction of the town and it’s past history. Kain has a copy of the cities two most popular dishes, Red Dragon Chili and the Southwind Burrito (which requires Red Dragon Chili). Kain tells him how the beans to make the chili are now extinct, bean named Beanari beans, but that some are rumored to be buried with the towns founder Pharthony Beanari. Hugh sets out to find these ingredients.

Several weeks into his, Hugh was ambushed by a man in black platemail armor and a gnome titan. The gnome titan held Hugh down while the man looked through his back pack. The man pulled out the burrito. “Please no!” Hugh pleaded. The name devoured the entire burrito, wiping his mouth with the magical cloth. “It’s okay, I’ve had better.” The man said, throwing the cloth on the ground. The gnome laughed as him.

Tears swelled in his eyes and with blind rage broke the gnomes hold and charged the man. The man in the dark armor laughed at the Halfling and with one slap, threw him to the ground. Hugh wept. “That was the last one in existence. I’ll never find another one!” he cried. “Pathetic!” the man said. “Master Sven, we must be going now.” The gnome called. Just then the man in the dark armor grabbed is stomach. “I feel funny” he said. Then, a passed gas loudly and flew fifteen feet in the air. He landed back down at his feet and he and the gnome had a huge laugh.

Hugh collects the magic cloth and aimlessly wanders, looking for leads on the ingredients. Red Dragon meat, Lembas flat bread (tortilla), and Beanari beans. Oneday, in the far off land of Fangaerie he spots a man that looks exactly like the man in the black armor, except this man was in shiny cromed plate mail. In rage, Hugh charges the man and knocks him down. Hugh is much more battle hardened at this point than he was at thier first encounter, “You ate my burrito you son of a bitch!” Hugh yells. Punching the man over and over, but then, he stops. Baldrick casts a riga mortus spell on the Halfling and he freezes in place.

It tuned out this was the name in the dark armors twin brother. The name in the dark armor was named Sven and was an Dark Knight of Yi Gor. His brother is a paladan named Ivan. Hugh feels horrible, even though this had happened to Ivan countless time before. Hugh offers his services to the paladin for a week to make up for the assault, but soon the two become inseparable.

Hugh aided Ivan in the liberation of Frandor’s Keep where they stayed for many years until one day he and Ivan woke up with a mysterious tattoo upon thier arm called “an azure bond” . They went on the quest to get them removed. Afterward, he met his future wife Davara Stonefoot.

Hugh and Davara were told to guard the Company's Cart that for some reason was always to big to maneuver anywhere (so the company was named "The Order of the Lonely Cart"). After months of waiting for the group to return, Hugh and Davara found that she was pregnant and the took the cart to the city of Arn. There they continued to wait until they decided to go to the City of Fangarie. Once they arrived they found Ivan and the party had returned and Ivan was now married to Zelda his other follower and she was with child.

Ivan was also in the middle of the construction of his keep, Castle DreadIron, and Ivan offered to have Hugh and Davara live with them. Hugh married Davara and they all moved into the castle.

Later, Hugh and Ivan under went a quest to travel to The City of Southwind on the Continent of Egoth to look for a component of the Southwind Burrito. With the help of Baldrick's Mirror of Mental Prowlessness they were transported to the city of Cora when magic went ary and they were captured by the forces of Klaw Keel.

Klaw Keel, was infact not an enemy but an ally, and they teamed up to stop an apocalypse which would be started by Ivan's twin brother Sven. To stop him, they needed the soul stone of Diablo from Southwind. Hugh was the first one to hit the fiend, and Diablo was defeated.