
The Cabal of Darkness

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Spheres of Influence: Darkness, Evil, Misogyny, Treachery, Undead

Tenets of the Faith: The

About The Church of Darkness

Priesthood: Dark Destroyers

Symbol: A

Colors: W

Place of Worship: A

Holy Days: O

Sacrifice: A

Raiment: C

Revered Names for Deity: The Dark One

Deity's Appearance: R

Advancement within the Order: Advancement in The Church of the

Confederate Faiths: B

Adversarial Faiths: E

Sayings: The head priest says this before every service. "Thank you for visiting the Church of El Tir. This is where worshippers come together to pray for things you....really care about. It’s a different type of religion that is NOT based on loving thy neighbor, or helping others.... No! He is your gawd. Remember this name, your going to need it. E-L T-I-R again that is E­-L T-I-R!"

Preferred Weapon: Dagger

Other Weapons Permitted: Any crushing or puncturing

Armor Permitted: Any

Bonus STPs: Monster Lore, Torture, dagger proficiency, heavy armor and shield proficiencies

Powers: Can see in darkness (magical or normal) up to a 100 feet as if daylight. Command Undead.

Restrictions: Only

Alignment: Chaotic EvilDivine icon: A black sun with jagged sunrays, generally made of any black material or painted black.

Church of Spell LIst

(M) Spells marked are listed under the mage spells section.