Maximus Sacerdos

Claudia's work dealt mainly with the herbal knowledge of the High Elves of Tellene and during her research she learned the other sub-races of the elves the Drow, Wild, Grel , Wood and Gray Elves had their own treatments, unknown to the High Elves. Claudia was intent to learn these other treatments.

For this, Claudia enlisted the help of her husband and children. Maximus and his brother Tempus are priest of The Church of Everlasting Hope and ventured to the South East to the Lands of Tarisato, which is known as being on the fringe of Kalamar civilization.

Maximus Sacredos was from the Capital City of Kalamar named Bet Kalamar. His mother Claudia was a well known and well respected scribe. Her best known work was a book on elven herbalistic medicine and remedies entitled "Fey Herbal Remedies: The Art and Practice of Healing with Elven Herbalism". After its production, it was a must have manuscript in most every house of healing, both magical and mundane.

To write the book, the Sacredos family spent several years traveling from elven town to elven town for research. During one such trip, the family encountered a orc raid and Maximus was sliced in the face with an axe, which produced a gruesome scar.

Family / Clan

Their sisters Octavia and Titiana traveled north to Doulathanorian to seek out herbs from the Grey Elves. Claudia and their father Tiberius traveled to the The Young Kingdoms to seek out Dark Elves under the Legasa Peaks.

Originally, Maxamus stayed at the temple in Tiwidu tending to the sick while his brother Tempus adventured with a Half-elf named Tondon and a Grel named Seleryn to find Lady Runele's lost amulet. It was lost in a kobold ambush. Tempus found the life of an adventure much too rough and promptly retired and Maxamus too his place.

The Church of Everlasting Hope stationed Tempus and Maximus at the temple in the small town of Tiwidu. The boys were hoping to encounter either Wild or Grel elves in the nearby Obakasek Jungle, long known for its uncivilized humanoid populations which have given Kalamar so many problems here on it's southern boarder.