
A young, slim, human woman of just slightly smaller than average height. Her pale complexion is complimented by black makeup, that is placed around her eyes, in such a way that it runs into a bright red blush that stretches out from the lower and outer sides of her eyes. Her lips have the same bright color of the blush upon them, however it also possesses a glossy sheen that gives brightness to the color. Her black hair has noticeable length to it, despite being pulled up into two braided buns that rest upon the sides of her head. She is wearing a simple, yet elegant black dress accompanied by a black and red choker that holds a thin bright crimson crystal. However, her most noticeable feature would be, without doubt, her eyes. While all of the defining lines that separate each feature of the eye remain intact, her irises are lacking any of the normal color ranges common among other humans; they are white instead. This gives her eyes the look of those being sketched upon a white parchment with a quill and black ink. As she is observed making her way through a room, she is noticed to carry herself with an air of grace. The fluidity of her movement gives her the appearance of floating across the room.

Character Background

A Human who grew up in the city of Egoth. Was raised by her loving parents Leia and Roddin (A local merchant and entrepreneur). She spent many of her early years getting into trouble with her younger sister Silica; sneaking about causing mischief when she was noticed by a master mage who offered to train her. It was under his tutelage that she uncovered her natural talents for necromantic magic. Although the mage failed to teach her how to properly prepare spells, he developed quite a fondness for Lilith. As she approached adulthood she began to notice that her master never showed any signs of aging despite the several years she had known him. When she approached him with this observation he reveled to her that this was because he was a vampire. He then offered a choice to Lilith; he would let Lilith and her family join him in undeath as vampires, or he would leave and they would never meet again. Lilith chose to join her master in his life of undeath.

Her family's ambitions soon led them into the high society of the local vampire community. This however did not come without its perils. It was not long after her and her father began to search for ways to reform the vampire society. They began to lobby for laws to increase human thralls and prohibit feeding related human deaths. It was shortly before the law was brought to the vampire council when a blood thirsty vampire noble took action to stop the proceedings. He lured Lilith and her sister to the woods outside of Fordside and poisoned Lilith with a poison designed specifically to kill vampires. The vampires left her in the woods to die in the morning sun. They, however, failed to realize that Lilith had brokered an alliance with the local weretigers in this area. To her luck a weretiger had heard the commotion and moved in after the vampires departure. She took her to the tribe's shaman and he pierced her heart with an ancient ritual dagger. This dagger regenerated her body, removed all influences of the poison, and drained part of her vampirism as well. Now as a dhampir, she keeps her survival a secret as she moves to gain influence and power. She plots her revenge to find and slay all those associated with the attempt on her life. Also to find out what they have done with her sister.

Family / Clan

Character Description

Her metamorphosis into a dhampir has left her mind muffled. At times she gains insights into facts she once could recall easily as a vampire. As she continues to pursue the power needed to take vengeance upon those who had betrayed her she is reminded of a long forgot wish she once had as a child. Being she was born with negative energy powers within her blood, she often longs for friends who understood her. Now as she gains powers she seeks to create a domain where outcasts can join, become infused by the blessings of negative energy, and live a life accepted among their piers.

Corliss Snow- Is a false identity created by Lilith to protect herself and her family from her endeavors. It is her main cover persona. Corliss's cover story is that she is a human woman who was orphaned when the city of Southwind was destroyed. She survived with her keen understanding of her magical talents that seemed to come to her naturally. She was young when her family was killed and does not even know her own last name, so as a result has chosen to take on the last name of snow.