The Wurld of Rune

The World of Rune was originally created from DarkRPG's beginning days of running AD&D. What started as a small MS Paint map in the mid 90s that only including one town called Twilight Village and some forest area turned into a large 1,000 mile long island map called Egoth. Being a fan of Dragonlance, DarkRPG incorporated elements from that setting such as Minotaur PC race and running the adventure compilation called World of Krynn that culminated in the one of the greatest games he ran in his early days, Dargaard Keep (also known as Lord Soth's Keep to his players). He continued to adjust his game, adding such elements as three moons, a historical background, and world changing event. Other elements added to home-brewed game included using the AD&D Diablo book to have Diablo as a powerful hell antagonist, Dark Sun elements such as races (Thri-Kreen) and a cut off area similar to it, and running the original Temple of Elemental Evil.

DarkRPG ran Egoth for many years until the release of the HackMaster RPG. Originally starting with Little Keep on the Borderlands as the foundation for the small map of the Fangaerian City-States until the World of Aldrazar was released. The early world map above had an area called The Waylands that match the similar shape and size of the original home-brewed map. The Waylands were meant for HMA construction through HackJournal releases. So mixing some elements of The Waylands, he replaced it with his home-brewed section of Egoth. DarkRPG uses the Gawds of Twilight Last as his official gawds, though all gawds mention in the Gawds & Demi-gawds book are allowed.

Not stoping there and being that Kingdoms of Kalamar was also a Kenzer & Company setting, DarkRPG placed Kalamar into the Aldrazar world map after running three Kalamar adventures that were released for HackMaster. Rokugan, the setting of Legend of the Five Rings, was recently added to replace DarkRPG's unused oriental setting. With his world map still a work in progress, DarkRPG plans to incorporate and place other settings he has always had in mind. Some will be home-brewed, others produced material.

Northern Hemisphere of Aldrazar

Below is a description of settings:

Egoth - Mark in yellow, also known as The Waylands, this is the original home-brewed area ran by DarkRPG for many years. Most of adventuring has been by two major cities, Twilight Village and Helmguard. Many "monster" races exist here and are generally not discriminated about, as most Egoth natives judge based on actions rather than appearance. Thus Thri-Kreen, Minotaurs, Liontaurs, Centaur, Drow, Kobolds and even Orcs have joined adventuring groups and have done many good deeds. Most cities are city-states run by individual rulers, though some have allied with others and countries are mostly unknown beyond tiny empires. Outside influence in this area is rare, as most countries consider the land to far to bother with or too dangerous to take over with the high amount of "monsters" there. Humans mostly claim the north and northeast areas of the land, while some mix with the other races to the south. Minotaurs control an entire island to the northeast, while elves control their own set of islands to the east of Helmguard. Irda are a common race, though many stay on their hidden island. The people of Egoth call the world Rune.

Garweeze Wurld - Originally the base world for HackMaster, Garweeze is based on Jolly Blackburn's gaming world he uses for Knights of the Dinner Table. The setting is made up of maps and information from The Wurld of Aldrazar book and HackMasters many adventures. Since the world is light on detail, especially compared to other gaming worlds, this allows me to customize Garweeze greatly. To the north east of the main maped area is Egoth and to the west beyond an impervious mountain range filled with monsters are the Kingdoms of Kalamar. The people here call the world Aldrazar.

Kingdoms of Kalamar - Kalamar is now the official setting for the new edition of HackMaster. Kalamar has been in production since the days of AD&D 2e and put out by Kenzer & Company. The setting is very detailed and very supported, especially during D&D 3e. The area is cutoff from the Garweeze section by large mountains, though trade from ships sailing from Garweeze happens but is rare due to dangerous monsters roaming the sea in between. The people here call the world Tellene and believe their lands are the entire world.

Rokugan - Rokugan is the asian/eastern/oriental adventures setting on Rune. This setting was pulled from Legend of the Five Rings since Kara-Tur was under use by DoctorDoom. It is a fascinating mixture of different different Clans viaing for the emperors favor. The setting has been compared to Game of Thrones, except in an eastern setting. The exact location has yet to be put on the my Garweeze map, as it may either be east of it or on the island in sector 1-F. Classes specific to eastern cultures that appear in Garweeze are from this land or have been trained by those from this land.