Zelda Flutterfly

Family / Clan

Background: Zelda was born to a pixie fairy family in the City of Fangarie. They were converts to the church of Luvia and besides her family of seven, Zelda had only seen a half dozen other pixie fairies in her whole life. Out of the five children in her family, she was the only one to seek the clergy like her father. The others were happy learning other common trades like their mother who was a baker. Being of such a small minority, Zelda was often picked on by others in the community. One such individual was a grel elf individual named Grendel. One day coming back from Seminary, Zelda was captured by Grendel's gang "The Crimson Knuckle Soldiers". They ran down an ally and Grendel was waiting. He stripped Zelda naked and examined the tattoos she had on her. Grendel looked in glee and bit her in the thigh. Zelda screamed the gang laughed. Just then a tapping sound was heard and a figure yelled "Let her go.". The gang turned around and saw fifteen year old Ivan. "Just turn around you peg legged orphan, before I send you to your parents." Grendel said, blood still around his mouth. The three gang members produced daggers and Ivan picked up a barrel lid and a piece of barrel. Ivan at this time had already been training in the academy and was already a good swordsmen, but wasn't allowed to carry a weapon.

The gang advanced and with a flurry of blows, the had struck the barrel lid while Ivan had landed blows upon some of their heads. Grendel stood in awe and Zelda took this opportunity to cast the only spell she had prayed for, Sanctuary.

Grendel heard Zelda say the words and lifted her to break her neck. To his surprise, he couldn't. Ivan was making quick work of the last two gang members and Zelda flew away from Grendel's grasp. Grendel yelled and pulled his dagger to meet Ivan, but Ivan was too quick. The wooden lid crashed into Grendel's face and blood exploded from his nose. The dagger fell to the ground and Ivan picked up the grel from his pointed ear.

Within minutes the city watch had appeared and Zelda told of the heroic deeds of Ivan DreadIron.

From that day on Zelda was obsessed with Ivan. She stayed in the Seminary full time to get finished quicker and her and Ivan could adventure, but when she was done, she found he had left with a halfling named Hugh Proudfoot. She tracked the pair down, but when she did, the two were already very close. Zelda likes Hugh, but is jealous of the relationship he and Ivan share.

Ivan, Hugh, Zelda, Baldrick and Agel formed “The Iron Sentinels of Justice” and became famous around the Fangaerian City States for their work at Frandor’s Keep.

They liberated and stayed in Frandor’s keep for many years. Ivan married Agel and Zelda fell into a deep depression. After Agel died in childbirth of their daughter Kimora.

One day Ivan, Zelda and Hugh woke up with a mysterious tattoo upon their arms called “an azure bond” . They went on the quest to get them removed.

Ivan and Zelda then undertook a quest with their new group The Order of the Lonely Cart, to retrieve a lost sword of a promoniate paladin named Daniel (Fires of Dis). During the quest, Zelda proclaimed her love for Ivan, and the two married. Zelda became human through magic and became pregnant.

They fought through the infernal city of Dis and retrieved the sword. Ivan had taken a quest to aid his god Luvia, and Luvia granted Ivan and Zelda a gift. Ivan asked to become a Saint to Luvia after the quest was completed and Zelda asked for the child in her womb to be an aasimar.

They returned to the City of Fangarie. Ivan was granted permission to build Castle DreadIron, where he retrieved his children Jeroen and Kimora and Zelda raised them with their son Justin. They started construction on Castle DreadIron just outside of the City of Fangarie where Zelda Retired. Justin was born with a flock of white hair and shortly after, Zelda transformed back into a pixie fairy.