
    • 29 may 2015 9:56am

    • several years ago i focused my time & energy on developing a universal help system

    • because i'm a game creator i went with this approach

    • i thought that it would be a lot of fun to create a game system

    • that was all about getting & giving real-world help to real-world people (players)

    • eventually i settled on the project name, liveangel

    • live, like alive, vs. the other way you can pronounce the word

    • like if a real angel existed in the world

    • so i saw one form of the players being these live angels when playing

    • and then at other times these same players would be playing as real people needing help

    • as an angel player you would be a helper

    • as a real person with real problems and help needs you would just be a 'seeker' of help

    • so we have angels & seekers playing together in the game system

    • so angels earned the power to fly faster & faster

    • as a reward for providing a seeker some positive help

    • all the seeker needed to do was alert the community of their specific need for help

    • and then rate whatever help they got such that the rewards could be assessed

    • my hypothesis was that expert help would emerge out of the ethos

    • and this expert help would be used to create a superangel

    • that would always be able to intervene and help any seeker with any problem

    • so the more the game was played the better it would deliver positive impactful help

    • the top helpers become the fastest flyers & connect with more seekers more often

    • so there was a built-in mechanism for assuring that the system

    • would improve in time vs. deliver more negative results

    • i developed far more detail

    • but the project to date has not found its further development team

    • still waiting for it