
    • 31 may 2015 5:53pm

    • this project envisions a new way to further develop new ideas into products & services

    • evolving the crowdsource-funding model to a new place

    • the name creatext = creativity + context

    • it asks user/players (you) to begin any new project with a new approach

    • of being bold & fearless

    • of freely sharing the your new idea or creativity with the world

    • and being 100% okay if others take the idea and do something with it

    • without involving you or crediting you

    • creatext asks you to focus less on the money-making potential

    • and more on the world-improving potential

    • everyone has great ideas/creativity thruout their lifetimes

    • but most of us do not have the talents, drive, connections & capital

    • to further develop these ideas/creativity into financial successes

    • so creatext is a new option for you to get the ball rolling

    • put your idea out there where others can find it

    • don't worry about patenting or protecting

    • instead trust that the universe will reward you in other ways than just money

    • if you really have something great that can help the world

    • why not give it freely to the world

    • yes, some others might profit from your idea

    • but so might they involve you in those types of pursuits too

    • actually creatext on day one helps you stay a part owner of your idea

    • it does not guarantee you anything

    • but it does help establish a story for your idea/creativity

    • that can be referenced by the powers that be down the road

    • if you are so inclined to go after the money