
    • 30 may 2015 5:58am

    • i see a world that handles creativity a whole new way

    • almost opposite of how it's handled in today's world

    • in this new world when you have a great idea

    • you try to share it with as many people as possible as soon as possible

    • seeking feedback to elevate your happiness

    • and seeking further development collaboration

    • so the idea can grow into something even better

    • because no one owns their ideas anymore

    • anyone is free to take any idea or creativity

    • and do anything they like with it

    • hopefully while doing so

    • to give credit where credit is due

    • in my many years creating & further developing ideas with teams

    • i have learned that every idea changes & morphs with each added mind focused on it

    • and original ideas mostly improve as more people collaborate

    • often what comes out the other end barely looks like the original idea

    • so the more the rules encourage vs. discourage

    • sharing & collaboration - the better & the better our world becomes

    • when the create process is opened up & freed

    • then unlimited improvement becomes possible

    • when no longer creativity is tied to financial wealth

    • then the incentive to dampen & restrict it disappears

    • and our world can flourish more