
  • 22 may 2015 9:59am

    • money is the primary reward in today's world

    • money will most likely exist in any future world too

    • i'd suggest though that it have far stricter controls

    • i'd again tie it to something tangible and measureable

    • like to the number of people living at any moment in time

    • for their minds now hold the potential for the creativity

    • that is the foundation of the new economy

    • with printing limits placed on money, now money becomes far less important

    • no one can get a ton a money

    • but people still need that something that drives them to perform to greater levels

    • again, let's look over in the virtual world for some unlimited thing that we could replace with

    • what i've found there is happiness

    • i would make happiness the new reward

    • that drives people to achieve greatness in this new economy

    • i'm sure at this point, i just lost a bunch of you

    • but give me a chance to convince you how this can work

    • and how it more naturally connects with real people and how they are wired