
    • 27 may 2015 7:33am

    • are there evil human beings born into the world

    • or are they only created this way after they get here

    • is there really two major deities battling it out in the universe

    • god vs. satan

    • do they exist in any form with physical components

    • or are they just made up of virtual elements

    • there is no doubt that these powerful intelligent beings exist in our world

    • maybe not in your mind

    • but certainly in the minds of billions of people

    • and because they exist there

    • they really exist

    • and have huge impact on our world

    • it does not matter what you & i think & believe

    • if you believe in god & satan then it's easy to conclude

    • that either/both can weave their goodness & evil into a person's soul

    • even before they are born into the physical world

    • if you don't believe then i'm equally certain you have seen both sides in people

    • we all exist at different times in our life at different points on this continuum

    • we flow back & forth

    • some linger more toward one end or the other

    • at least from our perspective of them

    • one person's terrorist is another person's hero though

    • evil & goodness are very subjective elements

    • not as readily measurable as the elements in the physical world