
    • 29 may 2015 4:52pm

    • so who owns anything physical is one set of issues

    • another is who owns virtual creations

    • this is even more complex than who owns the physical stuff

    • but what it there were a simple rule

    • that no one could own anything created in the virtual realm

    • what if we went one step further

    • and instead of worrying about who owns what ideas or virtual creations

    • the concerns of everyone was actually about how best to freely share ideas

    • this concept actually makes far more sense

    • when you value one thing more than everything else in the world

    • happiness

    • and when happiness is valued more than most everything else in life

    • and when you understand how happiness really works

    • where an important step in creating increased happiness

    • involves the free sharing of ideas

    • so a world that that operates more on the free sharing of ideas

    • meshes perfectly with the world that has no ownership of ideas

    • and so many more solutions to problems freely emerge in this type of world

    • resulting in a happier & less stressful world

    • i've really simplified a complex discussion here

    • but there's far more good things that can show up

    • when we are encouraged & incentivized to freely share

    • than to hide, protect & claim ownership of our ideas