
    • 27 may 2015 8:10am

    • i'd like to offer up that we can create a better world for a typical human being

    • that our world has a vast majority of these types of people

    • people who need similar things in life

    • people who want similar things out of life

    • people who aspire to the same sorts of things

    • if we focus on created great lives for this target audience

    • then we will make the task at hand far simpler

    • and a big piece of what we need to do is to make life simpler

    • you may not consider yourself a typical human being right now

    • but i'm going to ask you to start thinking like one

    • maybe this is simply what we all need to do

    • maybe we need to not think ourselves so special in the world

    • maybe we deserve no more than the next person

    • or even our so-called enemies

    • maybe there's plenty of great stuff for everyone

    • maybe we just need a better awareness of all that is good in life