030311 My Kind of Armageddon

03/03/11- The Rise of the Machines

Tell us what you think 

I recently read this article from Time.com about the Singularity.The singularity is intriguing to me on many levels, not least of which is it’s connection to Science Fiction. I am incredibly curious who came closest to guessing our fate: Was it James Cameron and his shiny, time traveling, death squads, or William Gibson with his Mnemonic couriers or perhaps Mike Pondsmith with his role playing game Cyberpunk?

Almost all these Singularity predictions paint a bleak future for humanity. But maybe… just maybe, we will have a future like Gene Rodenberry envisioned. That is a future I can hope for.

Today we also have a Coloring Page submission that ties in quite nicely.  The Coloring Page comes fromPeileppe of Call Center Grinder, a comic series based on his previous life experience as a call center agent. I have never really worked at a call center, but I imagine it is worse than any of the dystopian visions above . Thanks for the submission Peileppe, and thanks for reading.


 In this coloring work, the artist dares to mix genres, willfully bleeding  the post-modern elements of Tron into the classic Star Trek iconography. His use of light and color suggests he possesses a dark soul yearning for salvation. The pastel colors that seem to caress the uniform hint at an inner tenderness which is masked by the artist’s inner turmoil. The work is as brilliant as it is disturbing.