
11/11/10 - Strike One!

Brandon has a lot to learn, but at least he is back in the game.  

This comic marks the end of the second story arc, though I suspect we will see Coffee Shop Girl again in the future.

As Always... Thanks for reading.

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Brandon and Holly are seated at the dining room table.  In the background Phil and Tom are playing a game on the Wii.


    HOLLY:  So you finally had the guts to ask her out and she shot you down. Well it's not too surprising.  Next time you need to set your sights on someone a little closer to you in age.  


Panel 2: 


    BRANDON:  What? No! It's not that at all.  It wasn't about age. Turns out, she is gay. So it wasn't me, she's just not into guys.


Panel 3:  


Holly looks at Brandon incredulously with her arms folded. Phil and Tom have stopped their game to stare at him as well.


    BRANDON:  What? 


Panel 4:  


    HOLLY:  Oh you poor, innocent man...

    HOLLY:  Brand, sweetie...That's what nice, young girls say when they want to get rid of old, creepy guys.


    BRANDON:  You mean... you mean, she's not a lesbian?


Panel 5:


    HOLLY:  No


    TOM:  Probably not.


    PHIL:  Not a chance.


Tom and Phil turn back to their game.


Panel 6:


    BRANDON:  (buries his face in his hands) I really suck at this.


    HOLLY:  (patting him on the head) But you are so cute when you are being naive.