
July 23, 2010  1:27 PM – Facebook Prequel

 For our Facebook preview today we are actually presenting a “Prequel” of sorts… and unlike like some other prequels, we are not going to incite the rage of an entire generation.

 No, these prequels are a glimpse into the past and the development of the style of LIFE Under Construction when it was…well… under construction.  So enjoy the sneak peak behind the scenes as we pull back the curtain and reveal the secrets of LUCcomics…

 Well perhaps I went too far to say secrets, but we hope you will get a kick out of seeing these character development sketches.




Brandon and Holly are seated  at a restaurant in the middle of a conversation.


    BRANDON: ...And the place was empty.  The manager said she had been gone a week.  A week!


    HOLLY:  Oh Brand!  I am so sorry.


Panel 2:  


    BRANDON: Just up and moved across the country, no phone call. Not even a text.  I didn't even get to say good-bye to the dog.

    BRANDON:  She could have at least let me know. Even an Ex deserves that much.


Panel 3:  


Brandon is getting himself worked up.


    BRANDON: Is there a class women take to become that cold hearted?  Is there some kind of correspondence course in Evil?


Panel 4:  


    BRANDON: You know, I finally understand women. Women are Evil! Cold-hearted, selfish, sadistic bitches.  All of them... Evil!   


Panel 5:


Holly's position has not changed.  She is still sympathetically looking right at him, but a very small, subtle smile has crept on to her face.


    BRANDON: (realising what he has just said could be interpreted as insulting to the gender of his dinner companion)  ... Well not you... obviously...


Panel 6:


    BRANDON: (His face in his hands)  Crap. I just bought dinner didn't I?


    HOLLY: (Looking over the menu again)  O you betcha! 

    HOLLY: Gotta save up for all that Evil I got going.  It can be expensive you know... the Evil.