
11/04/10 – Gut Punch

I am not sure if the experience is comparable for women, but for guys, getting shot down feels just like getting punched in the gut when you weren’t expecting it.  Before a guy puts himself on the line and commits to the question, we have already imagined the conversation and replayed it over and over in our minds. But the way it plays out in our head, the girl always says “yes”.

Tell us what you think 




Brandon walks up the front counter.


    COFFEE SHOP GIRL:  Hey there! How is my favorite caffeine addict?  Get you a re-fill?


    BRANDON: Well...no, actually.  I want to ask you a question...


Panel 2: 


    BRANDON: (Very nervous) I have been trying for days  to start a conversation with you.  Which is kind of strange...  But not  creepy! ...okay forget I said that... I was waiting to find the perfect opener.  Something charming or clever.  But the fact is I have not done this for a very long time and I really have no idea what I am doing.


Panel 3:  


Now that he has started talking, Brandon has lost a little of his nerves and decides to go for it


    BRANDON:  However,  trying to impress you seems artificial, and I thought I should come right out and ask you because I think that being  honest is always the best policy  So...ummm... nervous rambling aside...



Panel 4:  


    BRANDON: ...would you go out with me sometime... you know... like a date? 


Brandon is smiling shyly, his face the epitome of vulnerable innocence and hope



Panel 5:


    COFFEE SHOP GIRL:  (face flushed, a little surprised) Oh! I uhhh, ... Honestly....

Well... um...

Panel 6:


     COFFEE SHOP GIRL:  (Her eyes are downcast as she avoids meeting his eyes.  She is visibly moved and every bit of her empathy cries out to not say something that would not hurt his feelings, as she answers...)   no.