
Our hero. A  recent divorcee, Brandon has lost his wife, his house, his job and his dog and has been forced to move in to an apartment with his old college roommate Phil.  For years, Brandon has been blown by the winds of fortune. With the departure of his wife and collapse of everything he had grown used too, Brandon has been forced to pick himself up and start re-building his life, one day at a time.  Currently his life is...under construction.




Brandon's college- and current- roommate and one of his best friends. Phil is the consummate bachelor. He is very successfully employed in an "undisclosed" niche of the Recording Industry,  giving him a large amount of disposable income and access to a wide variety of resources. Phil has a tenuous grasp on reality and a SEVERE impulse control problem and often says and does whatever pops into his head. His utter selfishness and insensitivity is balanced by his wit, charm and complete devotion to his friends (though it may not be apparent on the surface) Metaphorically, Phil can be viewed as a physical manifestation of Brandon's Id- or as the devil on Brandon's shoulder.








The third point in the friendship triangle, Tom is everything Phil is not- sensitive, reliable and meek, with the propensity to be didactic and boorish at times.  Married with two kids, Tom works in the non-profit sector for little pay and zero respect.  He is the very definition of Thoreau's comment that  "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." Tom is Brandon's metaphorical angel or the external manifestation of his Super Ego.






Brandon's "other" friend.  Holly and Brandon have know each other a long time, perhaps even before college and are very close. They have a guy-buddy or brother-sister relationship with just enough latent attraction to make it creepy. She is smoking hot, but seriously off her rocker with occasional comments or outbursts that bring in to question her overall sanity.  She is NOT friends with Tom and Phil.  In fact, Phil hates Holly with an irrational intensity.