20140205 Salieri
As a child, I relished Sunday Morning comic time. I would take the whole comic section into the living room by myself to read and savor. Even if I didn’t always understand all the words (I had to ask my parents who then told me to use a dictionary) I recognized the brilliance of “Doonesbury” the wit of “Bloom County” and the artistry of “Calvin and Hobbes”. I loved them, but they also made me jealous. I desperately wanted to create something like that.
Now that I am grown and have been writing comics for a few years, I still find myself giddy when my favorite webcomics update or, better yet, I find a new webcomic to add to my list of weekly reading.
I also still find myself jealous of the talent and artistry of the creators.
Recently I stumbled across a comic called LUNARBABOON. It has elevated my jealously to previously uncharted levels. The comic is brilliantly conceived and executed. It is amazing and you all need to go read it… just don’t compare his creation to mine. I do enough of that on my own.
And Happy Birthday to my oldest daughter Angie!!! You are amazing and talented as well. I don't feel jealous... just proud.