September, 6 2010 - Happy Labor Day
Celebrate with a new comic. Tom explains how social networking is the new dating tool.
I would like to say that I have the same rule as Brandon as far as Wil Wheaton is concerned, but I follow him on Twitter, so what does that say about me?
Tom and Brandon chatting over a cup of coffee. Tom is reading a newspaper.
BRANDON: To tell you the truth Tom, I am not sure how to get back into the dating thing. Where I am even going meet anyone that's available, much less date-able? My social pool is pretty shallow.
Panel 2:
TOM: Try Facebook. It's the new little black book.
BRANDON: That is actually a good idea, its not called social networking for nothing right? I haven't been on in a really long time.
Panel 3:
TOM: If you wanna meet, you gotta Tweet.
BRANDON: No. I won't do anything I can't do better than Will Wheaton.
Panel 4:
TOM: To get to Her-place, you have to MySpace.
BRANDON: Really? Is MySpace still around?
Panel 5:
TOM: Want to "get it" you have to "Reddit"
BRANDON: You're not even listening to me anymore, are you?
Panel 6:
TOM: If you want to snog, you've got to blog.
BRANDON: Do you even use the internet?