Troy Davis

Yes, Troy Davis, the latest kosher ticket. Whether he did or he didn't - check this. . . .

It's worth (if you can stomach it) doing some research into what can go wrong with lethal inject. Why then does it continue? This usage of a dodgy triple chemical death sequence. I'd say it continues as part of the state-sponsored deterrent terrorism. Despite the stats, which ubiquitously demonstrate that state murder does not inhibit public murder.

Basically, after much research and thought, I've reached the conclusion that it all boils down to our elite owners herding their cattle (golems), under the thrall of us being non-human. 7 billion people. A handful of social-engineering farmers.

Do the math. . . .

Black folks in USA, as evidenced here (and by many previous astonishingly prejudicial cases), are victimised by a white majority who are, themselves in turn, victimised by their owners, the financial elite. The global cabal. The international kleptocratic maniacs who are navigating us to the depopulated (culled) Promised Land of their New Eden.

This is how it is on earth - hopefully, not as it is in heaven. . . .

All in spring's eternal, through the Gates of Eden..

Some natural tears they dropt, but wiped them soon;

The world was all before them, where to choose

Their place of rest, and Providence their guide:

They, hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow,

Through Eden took their solitary way.

Paradise Lost, John Milton



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