
The only credentials I and many others may have, by the way, are those of self/life-taught amateur haiku enthusiasts and eternal students. Let's measure the responses anyone makes by their immediate quality.

As an aside. I did ceramics (in the tradition of Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada) for many years. After training (Bath Acadamy of Art & Design) most of us got some paper to show for it (a rated honours degree). But, only three of us went pro (out of thirty). A handful went into teaching art for a while, some stuck to that. The rest were, essentially, and God bless 'em, totally hapless, despite their degrees. As a young fellow this taught a valuable life lesson about the ubiquitous hypocrisy of 'official' credentials. I learned that it's best to evaluate actions on the ground, with a bright eye, in the here and now.
