the BIG 5

Basho 1644 – 1694 November 28

Chiyo-ni 1703 - 1775 October 2

Buson 1716 – 1783 December 25

Issa June 15, 1763 - November 19, 1827

Shiki September 17, 1867 – September 19, 1902

Matsuo Basho (1644 – 1694 November 28), born Matsuo Kinsaku, then Matsuo Chuemon Munafusa. ('Basho': a pen name -haigo- 'banana tree')

Fukuda Chiyo-ni (Kaga no Chiyo) (1703 - 1775 October 2) (pen name suffix: ni means 'nun', previously: Chiyo,' meaning 'a thousand years')

Yosa Buson

or Yosa no Buson (1716 – 1783 December 25)

Kobayashi Issa (June 15, 1763 - November 19, 1827)

(Issa is a pen name meaning 'Cup-of-tea')

Masaoka Shiki (Shiki is a haigo meaning 'little cuckoo') (September 17, 1867 – September 19, 1902), the pen-name of Masaoka Noboru

old pond

a frog jumps in

the sound of water


morning glory!

the well bucket-entangled,

I ask for water


in a bitter wind

a solitary monk bends

to words cut in stone


this world of dew

is just a world of dew

and yet...


autumn breeze is blowing

I feel like that a long-nosed goblin

weeps or laughs


Sample more -


Basho is mystic

Buson is artist

Issa is humanist

Shiki is realist

Chiyo-ni is included


jp / 20-09-11

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