calander quotes

    • Never expect a butterfly to help you over a wall. — jp

    • A stained glass window is not the sunlight, one is expedient the other is irrevocable. — jp

    • Yes, but what about the housework. — Marilyn Monroe

  • The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul, long before there was conscious ego, and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach. — Carl Jung

    • Walking is ZEN, sitting is ZEN

    • Talking or silent, moving, unmoving.

    • The essense is at ease.

    • Osho

    • At the moment of commitment, the universe conspires to assist you. — Goethe

    • A cow's breath smells like strawberries. Eeva-Maija Maula

    • 'I am like a catterpillar and

    • These challenegs are my cocoons

    • But one day, I will bite my way out ..'

    • Anna Freud

    • I am so dumb I thought the question was about whether haiku was something you picked up and put down, or whether it was so fully integrated into your life that you lived with an awareness, a power of observation, a respect, and an empathy for everything going on around you. Whether you were writing at that moment or not. — cat

haiku poll

Basho is mystic

Buson is artist

Issa is humanist

Shiki is realist

Chiyo-ni is included

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