
This site is strictly for non-commercial, educational and reference purposes only. The origination is our own. However, should any copyright material be mirrored or sampled on these pages and which its owner wishes removed, please contact us to state your case: comments & contact

John Potts

[Linking to any of our items here does not require permission - other than this all rights are reserved]


On occasion we run items which are tagged: 'all rights reserved'. That means what it says on the tin.

Usually, though, the following more or less covers our position (nevertheless, do contact in the first instance):

© 2011 John Potts. All rights reserved.

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and the web address

Creative Commons You may request access to any of the items on this site which are ours to authorise. But, first let us know who you are and the use to which you intend to put the material. Permission is usually freely given, with the caveat that no part shall be altered and that the author (John Potts) shall be credited with the origination of the material used and all appropriate citations, acknowlegements and reference sources are respectfully ascribed. [contact on link above]

Essentially, what we have here are notes and jottings - an online shoebox. Some entries stand as essays, some only as blurbs and so on... If you want a proper write-up on any of the themes and issues raised, contact us and detail your request.

General copyright information regarding 'fair use':



Also of note, this interesting item. . . .

HAIKU & the FAIR USE DOCTRINE by: David A.Giacalone


Copyright in the UK

Copyright in the US

Universal Copyright including the US


Are social networks and forums public domain?

So what of Social Networking sites like Facebook? [slow load]

Free Cultural Works

jp 31-08-11 - 24-07-13

haiku poll

comments and contact

"It is the BEST SITE I have come across for selling artwork. I have never had a

problem with them and sell more here then all other similar sites combined."

Michael Peychich

© copyrights 2007 - to date, john potts, all rights reserved on this site. all material published remains exclusive copyright of john potts or their designated originators. no contents, including text, photographs, videos, etc. may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of john potts or their designated originators. in addition, no material or contents may be reproduced on the world wide web by techniques of mirroring, framing, posting, etc. without the written consent of john potts or their designated originators. having said that, samples of text only, not to exceed one short paragraph in whole or quoted aggregate, may be used in appropriate context and linked to the main article on this site with author's name acknowledged. be sure to inform us of any sampling including a link to your item.

all my images are copyright © 2007 - to date, john potts/respective owners. all the materials contained may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or downloaded in any way, shape or form. all rights are reserved. copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of any of these images without written permission from the artist is strictly prohibited.
