nice words

Student (unsought testimonial)

What I appreciate so much about you, John, is your absolute authenticity and fidelity to the way you experience the world. There is no guile in what you share with us, and I really appreciate your "gift" to me (personally) that has opened my eyes to the extra-ordinaryness in the so-called "ordinary"! You do not seek fame and fortune, and do not "need" affirmation per se, but for what it is worth, your passion for hakai is never in doubt in my receiving of it.

Zen Anecdotes

I would not be writing haiku, nor would many more people have learned to love this genre of poetry, had it not been for John's role as an advocate for the spiritual heart of haiku. Love to John for challenging the status quo - the group think and the kow-towing on the banks of the old pond!

Hansha Teki

My late young friend [Svetlana Marisova] guided me to that page and the wealth of helpful insights. She told me that it had an important influence in the direction that her writings were to take.

Hansha Teki

jp is on the frontline of haiku journalists utilising his skills and wide knowledge to challenge all writers of haiku to bring their all to the poems they create. If he didn't exist we would have to create him. :)

Don Baird

Your talent is wild and unique...

Megan McMurray McGowen

What I appreciate so much about you, John, is your absolute authenticity and fidelity to the way you experience the world. There is no guile in what you share with us, and I really appreciate your "gift" to me (personally) that has opened my eyes to the extra-ordinaryness in the so-called "ordinary"! You do not seek fame and fortune, and do not "need" affirmation per se, but for what it is worth, your passion for hakai is never in doubt in my receiving of it.

(Name Withheld)

I totally support his vision of restoring haikai to its rightful place in the universe, as a powerful transcendent vehicle to a greater way of being in this world.

Rita B. Fox

Thanks, so I will not misses one of your things, I really love your work and the photos at haiku crossroads, thanks again, you have a feeling to find/make lovely photos.

Donna Fleischer

I wholly embrace what you say here and how you said it: "It's difficult to second-guess the first transcription of a proper haiku. It comes from a place that is deeper than years." "Your direct clarity of being and expression are a wonderful motivation to me. "

(Name Withheld)

You have a unique way of capturing the essence of haiku - no cliches from your pen ever.

Jane Reichhold

Good suggestion, John. ... More good work.

Jane Reichhold

...your expertise.

Wavy Gravy fan

"He's no cliché, he's the real thing."