
When we haiku we empty ourselves to see and transcribe the real. This is the Nippon term for that. . . .

Mushin (無心; Japanese mushin; English translation "without mind") is a mental state into which very highly trained martial artists are said to enter during combat. They also practice this mental state during everyday activities. The term is shortened from mushin no shin (無心の心), a Zen expression meaning the mind without mind and is also referred to as the state of "no-mindness". That is, a mind not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything. For the origin of the mushin concept, see Muga-mushin. It is somewhat analogous to flow experienced by artists deeply in a creative process. Wikipedia


Next, a nice treatment of what mushin no shin (detatchment from inner-TV), is and is not. . . .

Through the Wormhole

topdocumentaryfilms.com All episodes from Through the Wormhole series gathered in one place. Hosted by Morgan Freeman, Through the Wormhole will explore the deepest mysteries of existence – the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity. . .


This haiku, by Basho, rocks . . .

On a journey,

Resting beneath the cherry blossoms,

I feel myself to be in a Noh play.

Matsuo Basho

I try not to filter Matsuo's vivacious inner haiku diorama, his little virtual movie, through Georges Seurat's filter (browse Google images). Many of us will know where that haiku's subject is at, I'm sure. But, an interesting question leaps into the leafy pond: What on earth is that altered state of consciousness dear Basho is, over the centuries, pointing out?






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