
Below is a transcript of a (partly) tongue-in-cheek communique between a well-known haiku advocate and myself (names have been blanked to avoid giving offense to any faint hearted innocents and suchlike). . . .


On Sep 21, 2011, at 5:31 PM, John Potts wrote:

King of what - a knitting circle?

I'm over with the _______ goblins and a few other places. Getting to know how things tick, over here in paradise. Setting myself up for censure and attack by exampling colloquial sincerity, tactical restraint and clear focus. It's quite sickening, really. But, we press on.. . . .

Meanwhile, in the office, I'm assembling a rapid-response capability for the harvesting, collation and indexing of the cornucopia of astonishing material that comes up out of the interactive _______ through the sieve of avowed intent. (ie: The utter _______ of _______ and its multilateral global replacement.) Then, refinements to this raw essay material can be developed along the time-line.

I'm in total agreement with you regarding the infallibility of alignment with the flow of becoming (_______ is one of the terms of reference). Of course, if one falls into vanity's error, one will fry. This is nature's way. But, I do feel confident that one is past the tadpole stage in The Mysteries. If I'm wrong, then that will be fine also. Why not?

I can understand you leaving that _______. It was a good move. It solidified your perceived integrity. My strategy is more like SAS. Keep moving forward. Relentlessly. Like the earth turns. It's not simply about the haikai spoor, you know, the art products. This is not particularly the personal motivation. I firmly believe, you see, that haiku is an evolutionary tool. Its core-engine is a simple enough magico-mystic technology. This subsumes my surface discourse, at all times, and informs one's own products, such as they are - including beloved haiku.

_______ (did he once have a part in Dallas?) invited me to submit a _______ about: 'the temple in the middle and the circus at the edge of town', exposition of a haiku mandala figured as a city state, set in a symbolic landscape which disperses, via agrarian countryside, into Chuang-Tzu's wilderness at the circumference, which transits, past the mountains and valleys of the shadow, to the stars and, then, outer darkness (the not-self zones of Thervada). Good idea! If that was accepted (and it will be if the _______ is allowed to spin the words) this could be used as a link to be dropped everywhere. Kung fu. Turn the game around. Let is self-destruct by its own blasphemous and puerile petard. And then, another, and an.. . . For years. ^_^

There are many ramifications to all this, not the least of which is the use of haiku in the education of children in schools across the world.

Something like that. We've come a long way. We need to get all the good guys cognisant of this. Your _______, networking skills and outstanding capability to produce riveting copy is well known. The Art of War and The Prince could be on the reference shelf.




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