Basho's solution


"As they heard the car motor whirring in low gear as it ascended the drive way, the couple; it was a man and woman, came out of the pantry where they often hid when someone unexpected came down the winding dirt lane...They drove to town a couple times a week to get groceries and mail. Though they thought of themselves as loners they would greet and chat briefly with various shopkeepers and townsfolk. None of them noticed how much more the couple laughed and smiled as they left the shops than on the trip in to town...Actually, no one paid any attention to them."

- Jane Reichhold

"A high priest says: "A superficial knowledge of Zen causes great harm." I appreciate his comment"

- Matsuo Basho Basho: The Complete Haiku, Jane Reichhold)

---> find alternative source

"A high priest says: "A superficial knowledge of Zen causes great harm." I appreciate his comment" - Basho


NOTE: The practice of proper haiku employs a correct ritual which produces instrumental integration and evolutionary enlightenment. The practice of wrong haiku employs an incorrect ritual which will cause harm (and this, in turn, generates a cycle of healing...and so on). Thus is the immaculate nature of the mystery of being, which we find ourselves enbroiled in, here on the ground; here in the land of mixed feelings.

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