world of dew


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Kobayashi Issa (June 15, 1763 - November 19, 1827) composed around 20,000 hokku (which most people would call haiku now) in his lifetime (1763–1828). One of that substantial output is often described as his masterpiece. He was moved to write this piece after the death of his very young daughter :露の世は露の世ながらさりながら

Tsuyu no yo wa tsuyu no yo nagara sari nagara

translated by Lewis Mackenzie

The world of dew --

A world of dew it is indeed,

And yet, and yet . . .

- Issa

Kobayashi Issa, one of the BIG 5 This "world of dew" device has a much earlier usage. Here is an example written by Murasaki in the early years of the 11th century. Regarded as the first novel it is The Tale Of Genji. Below we find the world of dew in use :

In the haste we make to leave this world of dew

May there be no time between the first and last.

- Genji

A world of dew before the autumn winds,

Not only theirs, these fragile leaves of grass

- Empress

NOTE: In the West we call this overt referencing plagiarism, in Japan, however, it is called honkadori. Two very different cultural mind sets are serviced by these opposed terms. Murasaki ShikibuIn Japanese literature this employment of established descriptions of experience is common and quite proper. For example; Matsuo Basho's (1644 – November 28, 1694) wrote his famous frog hokku which also references prior poetic coinage :

old pond

a frog jumps in

the sound of water

Compare with this much older waka by Princess Shikishi (d. 1201) :

As I grow

used to the moss mat

and rock pillow,

the sound of mountain water

cleanses my heart.

To the sound

of water tumbling

beneath rocks

in the pine shade,

cicada voices coolly respond.

Shikishi Naishinnō

more Shikishi →

Before we explore Issa's masterpiece a little more, let's look more closely at this use of stock words and phrases.



jp 24-07-12

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