moon spider


in its winter cocoon—

misty moon

The first one is as it was, out in the real; and the second is a haiku of a haiku. That is to say, the first contains the second (In its cacoon).


in their winter cocoons—

cirrus moon

The second [above] places our spider of the first in backlit cloud chambers (less compact, more webby), and pluralises the slumbering arachnid and her treasure (or rather her little treasures).

These two haiku are both well lit, evocative and in due process. And, both could generate more parallel haiku (and they in their turn) - possibly adinfiniteum. . . .


Some spiders make pods of silk. Boudoirs where, in the cold winter, they and their eggs slumber until spring. These winter cacoons are sublimely beautiful and inviting as they glow and modulate, variagated and translucent, ambient light.

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