sharing haiku

There's a long tradition of sharing. Out of Japan. This is one of the many unique features of haiku and its satellite forms.

Yes, sharing haiku comes out of a long Japanese tradition and wriggles itself even longer tendrils into ancient China and back, even further, to the days when people were virtually incapable of any other mode of social intercourse than group-think. Shared social dreaming. Those nightly campfire storytelling sessions really were better than the TV and 3D movies!

The aboriginal Dreamtime is tied in to this. So is the 'mixing of the worlds' in Celtic myth and legend. Fascinating.

It's only relaively recently, in the evolution of us Homo sapiens, that individuality has become an evolutionary imperative - particularly here in the western hemisphere (the left brain of the planet?). This, incidentally, is the nub of the clash between east and west. In particular, Japanese haiku and western 'haiku'. And, in particular again, the dire confusion betwixt 'seasonal reference' and 'kigo'.

[This idea will be developed in detail as time goes by. I'll place it all together under this page. . . .]






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