
The tradition of having a haigo (haiku pen name) is long and winding. There's more to it than meets the eye. When we adopt an anonym, what are we doing?

An aside. Gendai has got to the idea of 'psychological space' (wow!). So, without mentioning the entire range of well enough charted levels of consciousness from quark to Buddha's dangerous dispensation of non-self (on the basis of which Japanese Buddhism/Zen is currently being questioned as not authentic), let's hang with the 'psychological' thing.

When we assume a persona we become (channel/filter), quite automatically, as it were another person. A new aspect of our 'parliament of the emotions'(William James) splinters into being. Method acting in the real. A magical personality, some say. We haikai differently, because we 'see' differently, because we are looking through a new lens at the dream of being. This could telescope into infinity. Hold onto your horses. Yes, gandai is getting there; but, painfully slowly.

And there's more. . .

jp / 20-09-11


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